Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fox News Refuses to Broadcast Obama's 100 Days Speech

Good for Fox News! One of the networks has the guts to stand up and say "Enough!" They refused to broadcast Obama's 100 Days glut of propoganda and continued with their regular programming.

The rest of the major networks roll over and play dead when Obama makes a demand. They're willing to lost money and put their finances in jeopardy simply because Obama wants another free appearance.

At last one network will say they will give people a choice so that Americans can watch something else on TV besides Obama and his teleprompter, without having to turn the TV off.

Now Fox News and it's officials probably come under surveillance for refusing to bow to the wishes of "the king." They will become "the enemy" as far as Obama is concerned.

However, Fox News will give Americans reason to take heart that there is a choice in our country.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Obama's Power Grab

A Democrat, who voted for Obama, recently expressed disappointment and discouragement over what's now happening.
"I just see a power grab," he said.

He had been caught up in the "change" retoric and thought Obama was going to change this country's ills for the better. Now all he's seeing is Obama's and his cronies' "power grab."
If they can't get something they want through Congress (and even some Democrats are beginning to block him there), Obama simply regulates through his agencies.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Obama Institutes Spying on Loyal Americans

Spying on loyal Americans, including those attending the recent Tea Parties protesting taxation, the stimulus package, and other Obama programs, has been initiated. Stricter regulations and intelligence gathering was started after 9/11. However, that's nothing as to what's being implemented under the Obama administration, something Obama decried in his campaign.

The campaign rhetoric was simply a smokescreen. The actuality of Obama's agenda is becoming clear, and he's even focusing on returning veterans as enemies, along with anyone who speaks out against him and his policies.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Obama Fuels the Class Revolution

A popular technique of socialism is fueling dissatisfaction and anger toward large corporations that provide jobs for the general public. Obama's techniques of "leveling the economy" puts businesses and anyone making a good income in jeopardy of attack by those out of work or making less.

This is not simply a reporting of the news. It's a subversive tactic in Obama's agenda to stir up class envy and get the "have nots" on his side and ready to help him put down anyone with ambition and the desire to do something on their own. (Does anyone remember the "Little Red Hen" story? Not the childhood fairy tale, but the one of government controls.)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Obama Sets Up to Control/Own the Banks

Many of the banks that have received bail out money now find they don't want it and the mandatory controls Obama is exerting. They're wanting to turn back the money...and Obama and Geithner won't let them.

These two tyrants want to maintain control of the banks and our finances, ultimately US and the U.S.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Obama Advances His Agenda and Sells Out the U.S.

Do we conclude from Obama's failure to defend the United States against tirades from South American dictators that the United States really isn't Obama's country, that he really isn't a native born America, as many suspect?

Do we conclude that Obama is only using OUR country to further his agenda and goal to become dictator as he crawls into bed with other dictators who would welcome/support his true ideas and actions better our traditional allies?

Is Obama selling out the United States to advance himself? He actually told Ortega he was glad that dictator didn't slam him, but the U.S. instead.

Obama Buddies up to Tyrants and Refuses to Defend America

Obama buddies up to tyrants like Chavez and Ortega, as they insult America and doesn't defend this country. Chavez has even called Obama an ignoramous, but this doesn't deter Obama from acting as though they're the best of friends.

Do we conclude from this that the United States really isn't Obama's country, that he really isn't a native born America? Do we conclude that Obama is only using OUR country to further his agenda and attempt to become dictator?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Obama Regarded as "President Pantywaist" by Europeans

Selling out one's own country and criticizing its citizens when talking to other countries apparently doesn't set well with Europeans. With many, "President Pantywaist" is a laughing stock whose words don't mean much.

When a leader is willing to downgrade his own country and show no pride in its people, how can the Europeans think he's to be believed when it comes to dealing with them? As a result, many who observed him while on his "grand tour of the Continent and England" place no faith in his words nor promises.

Who can blame them?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Is Obama Really a Muslim Masquerading as a Christian?

When Obama bowed over the hand of the Saudi King Abdullah (a faux pas for an American president), was he expressing his Muslim heritage, which he may not have given up for Christianity, as claimed? Obama's action raises many questions in addition to breaking U.S. protocol.

The leader of the United States does not show subservience to the leader of another country, as Obama did to King Abdullah.

The White House has denied that Obama bowed over King Abdullah's hand, but videos of the occasion appear to prove differently.

What do you think?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Are Bribery & Tax Evasion Requirements for Obama Appointees?

If President Bush, or any Republican president, appointed the questionable people Obama does, they would have been "skinned alive" by the press and public. You even might have heard whispers (maybe even shouts) of "impeachment."

However, with Obama, it seems to be a requirement...that they're tax evaders or have accepted bribes (at least some type of fee) from companies they'll be affecting. Tax evader Timothy Geithner(who paid up when caught as he was scrutinized for the Treasury Secretary post) has sailed right through because he was the necessary man for the job. In fact, some said he was the only one could handle all the bailouts. Is he teaching Tax Evasion 101 on the side? Perhaps to all the people in Obama's administration as a required course?

The latest to make the news is Lawerence H. Summers, top economic advisor to Obama, who accepted millions in payment from the Wall Street companies he'll be involved in with as part of his job. It would seem there is a great conflict of interest here. He certainly would have been black balled if this were the Bush era.

But Obama can sail right on with tax evaders (would they have paid up if they hadn't been caught?) and paid off officials but nary a word of criticism from Congressional Democrats and his "in the pocket" media.

This certainly speaks ill for the ethics of the Obama Administration. This also sets the example that certain people can cheat, steal, and accept bribes and not be questioned and sends a pall of immorality over our country.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

At Least One Hollywood Voice Speaks the Truth About Obama

Angie Harmon, has become sort of a Hollywood "voice in the wilderness," as she speaks the truth about Obama policies instead of paroting liberal cliches. She has the insight to realize what is happening to our country and what horrors our future beholds.

She also expresses the concern of many people that if they disagree with Obama's policies and are fearful for the future, they're considered racist. However, Obama can criticize or express disapproval of anyone white, force them to leave their corporate positions and bend to his will, yet he's not censored at all.

At least Ms. Harmon continues to speak out without about her concerns for our country.