Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Obama - The Great Terminator

Obama's great new health plan proposal will terminate those who aren't worth treating, testing...spending money on. If you're not considered worth the money spent, you will be refused health care and treatment, if you read between the lines of propaganda. A board, in Obama's pocket, will make the decisions, not your private physician.

Going back on campaign promises, Obama says he's received some "compelling aguments" that have made him rethink these issues, as well as punishing/fining those who don't go along with his health plan.

Who will be on the terminated list?

The elderly
The infirm
The unemployed
Those with terminal illnesses (young and old)
Those who oppose Obama

Shades of Hitler!! Who sent the unproductive and perceived enemies to the furnaces.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Qualifications for Obama Presidency - Ability to Swat a Fly

Although PETA is on Obama's trail for swatting a fly, whacking those insects seems to be a qualification for being President of the United States and getting extensive media coverage these days. Is this some significance about the mentality of the current president and the media?

*Perhaps all members of his White House staff and cabinet will need to improve fly swatting skills to maintain their jobs.

*Will there be fly swatting lessons for those who don't have this skill?

*Will there be fly swatting contests?

*Do they line the flies up to see who swatted the largest one? He/she gets to have lunch with Obama, just as kids vie to be good and have lunch with their teacher in second grade.

*Perhaps the media will join in. Whichever reporter swats the most flies will get an exclusive interview with Obama to learn more about his fly swatting skills and how they apply to governing the country and negotiating with Iran and North Korea.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Will Obama Silence Critical Media?

Much of the mainstream media has beeen Obama's pocket" since he announced his bid for the presidency. Nothing he could do was wrong, according to the major networks and newspapers. They generally haven't published critical articles, seeking out glowing reports and polls and emphasizing a way, indoctronizing the public.

Now you begin to see a scattering of headlines and articles that, while not necessarily critical, focus on individuals and groups that are opposed to some of Obama's programs and policies.

It will be interesting to see if Obama silences these and in some manner forces the media to report only news that promotes him and his dictators in other countries do and dictators in the past, like Hitler and Stalin, did.

It's a little more difficult these days with the Internet and social media to shut down all criticism. But those, too, could be censored, if Obama had enough backing for his executive orders.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Obama Follows Chavez's Trend in Socializing the US

If you follow what is going on in Venezeula, governed by dictator Hugo Chavez, you'll see the trends that are beginning to happen here. Chavez has a vendetta against big business and anyone making a profit, so he takes over industry with some nutsy excuse or another.

Look carefully at what Obama and his czars are doing, and you will find the same trend, as he takes over the auto industry, sets caps for corporate salaries, gives favors and money to big labor, and stirs up a hate industry against anyone who disagrees with him.

Under Obama's Rules, Will You Tell Your Doctor Everything?

If Obama has his way, the new health care rules will force doctors to make everything on your records public...perhaps not media public, but government records public. Yes, they say they'll guard your privacy, but many more people will have access to your records than they do presently.

Yes, now your records are open to insurance companies, Medicare and Medicaid (first step to government getting involved), participating doctors and hospitals...but generally if you sign an agreement.

Under the new rules, will you tell your doctor everything...about current conditions, medical history, etc., that enables him/her to treat you better? Or will you be concerned about invasion of your privacy and who has access to your records? So you will think twice about what you make public, because what you tell your doctor will no longer be private?

It's something to stop and think about in a world where government is getting increasingly involved in your private affairs. So far, they generally haven't found a way to dig information out of your brain you want to keep private...but that may be coming in Obama's plan for subjugation and absolute control.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"This Isn't the CHANGE I Voted For"

"This isn't the 'change' I voted for," a woman remarked, who worked for a car dealership that has been forced our of business.

What in the world did she think Obama's 'change' was going to bring? The signs were there that he saw himself as an absolute ruler of the United States, that he desired to erode our freedoms, take over the businesses, and set up a Hitler type country.

But so many people thought the 'change' was going to be a 'free ride.' However, Obama's 'free ride' comes with many conditions that people are just beginning to realize.

Let's hope enough of them wake up before it's too little, too late.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Obama Embraces Muslim Roots & Encourages Islam

Although Obama denied his Muslim roots while campaigning, he now shows his true colors and embraces them as he calls Islam the solution to all the world's problems. No matter how much he tries to play up the peacefulness of Islam, as he did in his Cairo speech, it's avowed purpose is to subjugate the world.

Does Obama see himself as the supreme ruler of the world...a Muslim world? Is that his agenda?

Be watchful! Be diligent!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Obama "Change" Poll at Home Biz Notes

Check out the Obama "Change" Poll at my home business blog, Home Biz Notes. You might want to stop by and let us know your thoughts on how Obama's changes affect home businesses.

Do you have a small or home business? Do you think the economic and social changes coming about and proposed have an effect on your business?

You can express your thoughts at Home Biz Notes.

Obama Calling the Shots at GM

The hosts at MSNBC's Morning Joe received evasive answers when they asked Ray Young, CFO at the restructured General Motors, whether President Obama really was running the auto company and had final veto power over decisions. As many times as they worded and reworded this question, Ray Young avoided a direct answer. Even when asked whether he could be fired if Obama didn't like his performance, Young was very evasive, refusing to answer the question.

This performance only reinforces the fact that Obama really is calling the shots at GM nowadays "for the taxpayers," and the officers and board of directors are in place to do his bidding.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Obama's Buddy, Chavez, Acquires Russian Missiles

Obama's buddy, Chavez of Venezuela, whom he knuckled under to during a Latin American visit, has acquired lethal anti-aircraft missiles from Russia. (To be aimed at US allies and our southern border?)

What is the significance behind this as Hugo Chavez builds up his arsenal and acquires more military strength? Will we carry a big stick or smile and accept more books of indoctrination?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Obama Takes Over GM Using Hitler-like Tactics

Following in Adolph Hitler's footsteps, Barack Hussein Obama has taken over General Motors, even though he's claiming it's "hands off" on his part. In his speech this morning, he said the company is following his dictates (guidelines) in setting up a new business plan. He's handpicked the new leaders of GM, who must follow Obama's orders if they're to get money to operate.

Also, the labor union will have a great deal to say, in a back room agreement with Obama, in how the plant will be run, garnering more power in the operation of this country. Obama is paying off the unions, who contributed to his campaign, by giving them ownership (along with him) of the transportation production, as Hitler did in gaining absolute control of Germany.

Anyone who lived through the World War II era and Hitler's dictatorship will recognize the initiating of the same type of take over by Obama as he mesmerizes the populace...who blindly follow him.