Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Will Obama Silence Critical Media?

Much of the mainstream media has beeen Obama's pocket" since he announced his bid for the presidency. Nothing he could do was wrong, according to the major networks and newspapers. They generally haven't published critical articles, seeking out glowing reports and polls and emphasizing them...in a way, indoctronizing the public.

Now you begin to see a scattering of headlines and articles that, while not necessarily critical, focus on individuals and groups that are opposed to some of Obama's programs and policies.

It will be interesting to see if Obama silences these and in some manner forces the media to report only news that promotes him and his programs...as dictators in other countries do and dictators in the past, like Hitler and Stalin, did.

It's a little more difficult these days with the Internet and social media to shut down all criticism. But those, too, could be censored, if Obama had enough backing for his executive orders.

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