Saturday, June 20, 2009

Qualifications for Obama Presidency - Ability to Swat a Fly

Although PETA is on Obama's trail for swatting a fly, whacking those insects seems to be a qualification for being President of the United States and getting extensive media coverage these days. Is this some significance about the mentality of the current president and the media?

*Perhaps all members of his White House staff and cabinet will need to improve fly swatting skills to maintain their jobs.

*Will there be fly swatting lessons for those who don't have this skill?

*Will there be fly swatting contests?

*Do they line the flies up to see who swatted the largest one? He/she gets to have lunch with Obama, just as kids vie to be good and have lunch with their teacher in second grade.

*Perhaps the media will join in. Whichever reporter swats the most flies will get an exclusive interview with Obama to learn more about his fly swatting skills and how they apply to governing the country and negotiating with Iran and North Korea.

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