Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Obama - Manipulator or Sincere Advocate for Health Care

Currently, the Obama team makes motions to raise people's hopes that all health care problems will be solved. Tom Daschle, nominee for Health and Human Services Secretary, has been making the rounds, talking with people and giving the impression that solutions are near.

Whether this is a way for the upcoming administration to manipulate people's trust or is sincere advocacy, we'll have to see. Whichever easy, fast solutions for everyone are possible given this ecomomy.

"Change! Change!" Obama and other Democrat candidates cried during the campaign and caught votes in their net with this buzz word. Will change be for better or worse? Or will they be able to enact any change at all?

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

More Control of Our Children & Our Lives?

According to a report by Aaron Brazell of Technosailor, the UK and US (under Barack Obama) may put more child safe requirements on the Internet. Aaron gives insight into a UK proposal for more Internet control and the hope of the British Cultural Secretary for US cooperation once Barack Obama becomes President.

This sounds good, but are there underlying reasons or objectives? Aaron explores this in an interesting post, UK Plans to Keep Kids Safe on the Wed, Ignores History. Here's an excerpt:

They plan to work closely with the Obama administration to ensure that the standards established are not simply UK-centric, but also US-centric. In essence, the governments are attempting to ramrod a standard down the throats of the western world.
Ensuring the safety of our children is important. However, are there longer range objectives with all of this as the government takes more child rearing responsibility and decision making from parents?
Give this some thought and read Aaron's post for more insight.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Obama cries, "Foul," to the Wealthy, Yet Langishes in Luxury in Hawaii

Lap of Luxury

Of course, we don't expect the President-to-be to vacation in a hovel with a dirt floor and no electricity. Yet at every turn, throughout the campaign, he seemed to be crying "foul" to those he considered the wealthy and promised to increase the standard of living for the lower and middle class.

According to reports, Obama and his family are staying at a $3,000/night residence while enjoying their lap of luxury vacation in Hawaii. Perhaps that's only considered middle or low income class. I imagine there are more expensive vacation abodes that might go for $5,000/night and higher, so $3,00o is economical.

It seems that the yard stick changes when someone measures their own life.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Should We Be Apprehensive of Our Future Under Obama?

Our Country's Future

Should we be apprehensive about our country's future...and our own with Obama as president? The thought that he and a Democratic Congress will be running our country absolutely scares me.

I'm writing this blog to get people to think...not follow blindly with promises that are "pie in the sky."

We've become a country where many people think they're owed a living, owed health insurance, owed a home, owed food on the table, owed most everything in life with the government providing it. As one lady said, when interviewed before the election, "If Obama becomes President, I won't have to worry about anything. I'll have a job, health insurance, good income, home without fear of foreclosure, a car, vacations."

However, with government provision comes strings attached in the form of control of our lives, our income, our place of residence, our health, and our minds that will get tighter and tighter.

Yes, we should be apprehensive...VERY apprehensive.