Tuesday, December 30, 2008

More Control of Our Children & Our Lives?

According to a report by Aaron Brazell of Technosailor, the UK and US (under Barack Obama) may put more child safe requirements on the Internet. Aaron gives insight into a UK proposal for more Internet control and the hope of the British Cultural Secretary for US cooperation once Barack Obama becomes President.

This sounds good, but are there underlying reasons or objectives? Aaron explores this in an interesting post, UK Plans to Keep Kids Safe on the Wed, Ignores History. Here's an excerpt:

They plan to work closely with the Obama administration to ensure that the standards established are not simply UK-centric, but also US-centric. In essence, the governments are attempting to ramrod a standard down the throats of the western world.
Ensuring the safety of our children is important. However, are there longer range objectives with all of this as the government takes more child rearing responsibility and decision making from parents?
Give this some thought and read Aaron's post for more insight.

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