Friday, January 30, 2009

Is Bush or Oboma More Like Lincoln?

Obama has been making commections between President Abraham Lincoln and himself by following his train route to Washington and using Lincoln's Bible for his swearing in. However, the more I've read and learned about President Abraham Lincoln, the more similarities I see between Lincoln andGeorge W. Bush.

  • Lincoln was criticized by the media.
  • He was poked fun of if he made errors.

  • He was Commander in Chief of a war that at first was popular, but soon became very unpopular.
  • As a result, the Civil War and the casualties often were blamed on him.
"Why are my boys fighting Mr. Lincoln's war," my great, great grandmother wrote to her daughter about her sons' involvement. "When will this war be over?"

Yet history proved Lincoln's critics wrong and he is known as a great president. Books are written about his superb leadership, his insight, his vision, his compassion, and his knowledge of the situation. Time will find George W. Bush a president with vision as well.

Even former President Jimmy Carter has predicted that George W. Bush will be seen as a president unfairly criticized.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Obama Selects "Honest" Tax Evader to Head Treasury & Oversee the IRS

Dishonesty apparently has been designated as a commendable characteristic in the Obama Administration. You particularly need to possess it if you want a governmental post running the financial affairs of the country. President Obama did not withdraw his selection for Secretary of the Treasury when it became public that Timothy Geithner had cheated "honestly" on his taxes. Then the Senate decided he's the best man for the job and confirmed him.

(Of course, once these facts were made public, Geithner paid the taxes, plus interest and penalties. Would he have paid if this hadn't come out in his confirmation?)

This signals to our country and the world that our President and Congress (except for a few ethical Senators) have no qualms about openly placing dishonest people in positions of public trust to handle monetary affairs. Like having the bear guarding the honey pot.

This is the man who will head the Treasury Department and direct the banking of our country as the government gets its fingers more emmeshed into the private sector.

Obama & Team Taking Absolute Control

One of the first steps to taking over absolute control of our country is to control the finances...which Obama and team (Democrats in Congress and his staff/advisors) are on their way to doing with bailouts and stimulus package.

With giving money to the car manufacturers and finance institutions, Obama and crew are getting their fingers in those pies. We can begin to see that the rules they lie down don't have much to do with financing...they have to do with control over who, what, where, when. And we're not supposed to ask WHY.

Look back to when Hitler began controlling those industries in Germany...what happened next?
He, and now Obama, with the media behind them, convince the people this is "for their own good." People jump on the bandwagon with their "savior" and before they know it they are trapped. Some don't even know they're trapped until they're so squeezed they're penalized for thinking for themselves...let alone expressing any dissent.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Is Obama Playing Games With Gitmo? And the American People?

Obama issued an Executive Order claiming he's going to shut down Gitmo, the prison for terrorists at Guantanamo. This has satisfied those who think we should be kind to terrorists, hold their hands, and tell them, "Be good boys. Don't do that again."

Now more figures and facts are coming to light that previously released terrorists have rejoined the ranks of the terrorist groups. One, known as Said Ali Al-Shihri, has been officially confirmed, by the Pentagon as a deputy commander of Al Qaeda in Yemen. He's also suspected of being involved this past September in a failed attack on the U.S. embassy in Yemen.

This raises some questions:

  • Did Obama know about this and other released terrorists who rejoined their groups, before issuing his Executive Order. As such, he can renege on the date for release...drag it out so he is satisfying those who want Gitmo closed and those who stress the danger of dispersing the prisoners.
  • If Obama wasn't briefed about these terrorists who rejoin and reemerge in terrorist groups (and this seems unlikely given his "presidential" demeanor before the Inauguration), will this give him a reason to delay the shut down, again trying to satisfy both sides?
  • Will Obama go ahead and release known terrorists throughout the world and "let the cards fall where they will?" At present, not too many countries seem to want the terrorists, except their fellow terrorists.
  • Does Obama plan to release known terrorists and is in league with terrorist groups who could strike our interests around the world and even our own country?
Food for thought!

Barack Obama & Abraham Lincoln

With so many references to Abraham Lincoln, during Barack Obama's Inauguration festivities, it might be helpful to have some resources so you and your youngsters can learn more about our 16th President. He was criticized during his term in office and was blamed for mistakes in the Civil War fought at that time. The media even criticized him a great deal.

Yet he was important to the black people because he issued the Emancipation Proclamation giving the slaves their freedom. Also, his leadership ensured that our country stayed together.

Abraham Lincoln for Kids: His Life & Times with 21 Activities (For Kids series) by Janis Herbert
A Picture Book of Abraham Lincoln (Picture Book Biography) by David A. Adler
A. Lincoln and Me by Louise Borden
Abraham Lincoln and His Family Paper Dolls by Tom Tierney
You Are There: Abraham Lincoln's Greatest Moments: The Emancipation Proclamation/The Gettysburg Address (DVD) starring Walte Cronkite and Paul Birch
Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation: The End of Slavery in America by Allen C. Guelzo
Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America by Garry Wills
Just a Few Words, Mr. Lincoln (The Story of the Gettysburg Address) by Jean Fritz
Lincoln on Leadership by Donald T. Phillips (One of my favorite books about Lincoln)Emancipation Proclamation Silk Necktie (produced for the NY Historical Society from Lincoln's handwritten original)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Books About Obama & the Presidency

Whether you voted for Obama or not, he has become the President of the United States. As such, he'll affect our lives, our country and the world. So that the you and your youngsters can keep abreast of current happenings regarding the Presidency and the 44th President, I've compiled a few books and resources here.

Barack Obama, President for a New Era (Gateway Biographies) by Marlene Targ Brill
Barack Obama: Our 44th President by Beatrice Gormley
Barack Obama: Out of Many, One (Step Into Reading) by Shana Corey
Michelle Obama: Meet the First Lady by David Bergen Brophy
The U. S. Presidency (Our Government) by Muriel L. Dubois
The American Journey of Barack Obama by the Editors of Life Magazine
The Story of Abraham Lincoln by Patricia A. Pingry
Time Line Presidents
Presidents Learning Placemat
Presidents of the USA Floor Puzzle

Do you have other books and resources you've found helpful in helping you understand the election, the presidency and the ascension of Barack Obama?

Obama's Inaugural Speech...

"Mary, did you hear him? Wasn't his speech magnificent?" a teaching colleague gushed.

Yet a teen I know said, when asked what she thought about Obama's Inaugural speech, "It was a lot of generatlities. He didn't say anything."

The teen had come up with this on her own because, in general, her teachers praised the speech. (Most of the schools showed the Inauguration on TV in the classrooms in area schools.)

I thought, "What a thinking young woman. She's not swayed by the emotion of the moment, but can see through the smoke and mirrors."

Her comment doesn't say whether she agrees or disagrees with Obama. However, she's astute enough to want some substance, not simply generalities and emotional "feel good" stuff.

We must teach our youngsters to look beyond the smoke and mirrors rather than being caught up in the emotion of the moment. The whole Inauguration event was a stupendous show of smoke and mirrors with multitudes caught up in emotion, not looking at the ramifications of what Obama's regime can mean to the country...and the world.

*Will Obama follow through with campaign promises...good and bad? Right now it looks like he's convincing his public that it will take longer than he expected. But, caught up in the emotional morass of the moment, they're willing to overlook his reniging on promises. For how long, as they struggle along as usual without any real changes in the Promised Land of Change.

*Is he trying to satisfy everyone, playing both ends against the middle? How long can he do this?

*Where does it end as we tumble into a crevasse of overspending, handouts, and socialism?

*Of course, socialism means control of the unthinking public (and by controlling them eventually overthrowing the thinking public) until a dictator stands in place.

I hope, for our country's sake, there are more thinking teens out there!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Is Obama Manipulating His Fellow Americans? Is Their Trust Misplaced?

Using those promotional tactics I discussed in a previous post, The Obama Team - Masters of Promotion, Obama now could ask for anything, do anything (good or evil) and have the majority of Americans fall over in obedience. He has become a "god," whom they hold in awe without looking beneath the surface. They expect miracles from him while he's only human. They expect he'll instaneously meet all his campaign promises and "change" their lives for the better and solve all their problems.

They see no traits that could signify a dictator, nor flaws meaning weakness. When a person becomes a "god," he has much to live up to. Often the power goes to his head and before people are aware, he has become a tyrant trampling them in his grasp for absolute control.

Those of us who have lived years of history have seen all of this happen and in between. Let's pray the country's trust has not been misplaced in Barack Obama.

The Obama Team - Masters of Promotion

Effective Obama Techniques for Promotion

More than any other presidential candidate, Barack Obama and his team appear to have utilized the wide reaching appeal of the Internet and the technique of branding to appeal to the masses and promote him as a person to lead our country. Whether you agree or not with the results of the presidential election, you’ll have to admit that the Obama team used promotional methods that worked.

Branding/Buzz Words – Branding has become an intregral part of promotion of any type these days. Finding a key word or buzz word that captured the attention and emotions of the public seemed important in the campaign. What did the Obama team settle on? Something very simple…. the word CHANGE. And it worked!

This word has a different meaning for everyone. It can evoke images of change for the better or fear of change for the worst. Somehow the Obama team was able to construe images of changing one’s present situation for the better so that the majority followed blindly with images of something they considered “better” dancing in their heads.

As more and more people picked up on CHANGE, the campaign gained momentum for Obama and most other Democrat candidates. You saw it in most everyone's ads, in their speeches, on banners and posters.

Use of the Internet – In today’s world, it’s almost imperative that you utilize the Internet as much as you can. You saw this in the Obama campaign with web sites, blogs, and YouTube town meetings. Obama utilized these online features to the fullest to reach the public, whereas other candidates appeared still to be learning there was an Internet out there.

Television changed political campaigns years ago. The Internet has brought it into the 21st century. To be effective, political candidates must keep up with the modern innovations, as the Obama team did...and continues to do.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

More About Obama, Presidential & Patriotic Quilts

Check out another post at Quilting and Patchwork about Presidential and Patriotic Quilts brought about by the flurry of those made by quilters in recognition of the Obama Presidency and Inauguration.

Although a great deal is being made of this occasion, with special displays in Washington, DC and elsewhere, you will find that in days ago, there were quilts made in recognition of United States Presidents and patriotic occasions. The list of names is interesting, as evidenced by the post linked above.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

"Is Obama Using His Daughters?" asks a Columnist.

By writing an open letter to his daughters via Parade magazine, instead of utilizing a conversation over the dinner table, columnist Emily Bazelon at Slate wonders if Obama isn't using his daughters. (Of course, we don't know if he does converse with them about these topics, but it's apparently the publicity that has some people wondering.)

However, isn't he just following in the proven successful Kennedy footsteps of publicizing their children? (i.e. Caroline and John-John's antics at the White House during the John and Jackie era) Why if it's done successfully, one or both of the Obama girls might run for a Senate seat...or the presidency in future years and feel it's their due because of their name, whether they have experience or not.

Admittedly, two young girls in the White House adds interest to life there and has youngsters all over the world taking an interest in U.S. politics.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Obama Tries to Enhance His God-like Status

With this push for the massive stimulus package, Obama is pushing even closer to a "god-like" status. We all but have people sprawling in front of him in the streets so he can trample over them....with a smile

The theory seems to Hitler, Hussein and other dictators have done...give the people something to start with, then they won't complain when you take away their freedoms or raise taxes. With 51% of the people (and it's approaching that) of the people on some sort of government subsidy, Obama and his crew will have control of the populace.

For if those on the recipient end complain, they could have their subsidies (Social Security, welfare, unemployment, disability, tax exemptions, medical care, free this and free that) yanked. So then their control and independence is gone...and they don't even realize it.

What do you want...freedom or socializm? Yanked about like a puppet or walking proud like a free man or woman?

Obama "buying" Supporters or Truly Interested in the Economy?

Is Obama really, really interested in shoring up the economy...or is he "buying" support and followers with vast giveaways.

Bribing people to be your follower, your supporter and making them dependent on you is an age-old strategy of dictators. It's a first step in obtaining twisted loyalty. Look at the dictators of history. Bribe the populace with bare subsistence, and those close to you with opulence and you have set in place the wheels of change for getting rid of your opponents.

Will the economic stimulus package really help in the long term, or is it simply a strategy for making the vast majority puppets while taxing those with anything left to pay for it.

Have you ever heard the Little Red Hen and Her Bread story? We see it in motion right now. What happens when the Little Red Hen stops making bread?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Will Obama Get "Buddy-Buddy" With Terrorists?

Throughout his campaign, Obama has indicated a willingness to talk with terrorists, preferring negotiations to "carrying a big stick." Apparently he's already putting out feelers for negotiations with Hamas before he becomes President.

Does this show weakness on the part of the U.S. and its President?

Does this show an alliance with terrorist organizations, a "buddy-buddy" relationship, that would be to the detriment of our country?

Does diplomacy mean the type of "peace in my day" appeasement that led to World War II?

Will it result in terrorist organizations obediently falling into line?

Does this show naivety on the part of a leader?

Or...does it mean a secret alliance arrangement between terrorist organizations and a U.S. President with the public kept in the dark?

What do you think?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Quilting with an Obama Slant

Obama Quilts

Ever since the Obama campaign began, quilters have been making quilts and fabric art to commemorate the man to become President.

I've written more about this at my Quilting and Patchwork blog, Obama Quilts and Quilters All the Rage. You might like to stop by and check it out, along with the links to quilts to appear at displays commemorating the Inauguation.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Are Obama and Harry Reid Backing Down About Burris

What makes Obama and Harry Reid think they can control Congress, decide who will be allowed through its doors (and into its washrooms) even though they've been duly appointed. Yes, the governor of Illinois has a questionable background, but he appointed someone while he was still legally in that office. Also, it appears, there is no scandal surrounding Mr. Burris personally.

It's a matter of control...with Obama and Harry Reid apparently thinking they can overrule the state's and country's laws. Good for Mr. Burris for not backing down.

This is what scares this just a forecast of what's to come under the Obama regime? That he and his bully boys will try to determine what's "legal" regardless of the laws?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Obama Family - "Living in the Lap of Luxury," According to the Press

As the Obama family heads to Washington and life in the Hay-Adams luxury hotel until they move into Blair House, and then the White House, it's ironic that the President-Elect made points with the people by putting down the wealthy. Now he and his family excell in a life of luxury.

Granted, a first family can't live in a hovel, but many have extolled simplicity, while exhibiting dignity and class.

Is Obama All Show But No Substance?

According to reports, Obama and the Democrats desire a spectacular show for Inauguration Day. What better way than for him to sign a stimulus bill shortly after he's sworn in as President? Doing it on Inauguration Day will greatly add to the Obama side show.

While the Republicans, who aren't entirely against a stimulus package, want to go more slowly and make sure this is what's truly needed and doesn't have a lot of "pork" stuffed into it. The Dems apparently want to push for this "change," and a spectacular Obama show, whether it's in the best interest of the country or not.

One does have to admit that Obama and his team have become "masters of manipulation."

Friday, January 2, 2009

"Change" - the Obama Buzz Word - Higher Gas Taxes the Reality

"CHANGE! CHANGE! CHANGE!" Obama and his followers cried throughout the campaign for the Presidency.

Yes, we'll see change. One of the first things will be higher gasoline taxes. The figure tossed around seems to be a minimum 10 cent/gallon increase to make up for the loss of money coming in because Americans are driving less.

On the other hand we're encouraged to drive less and "go green" by using less fuel. Now it's proposed we'll be punished by "change" with more costly gasoline. Will this cause people to drive even less.

Obama type "change" is coming and the "la-la land" many people expect with his Presidency may be just that...a liberal fantasy la-la land as higher taxes and even higher prices hit us.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year at Obama Alert

May you have a blessed, happy, and successful 2009.

We'll pray that with our becoming knowledgeable and remaining diligent, it will help ensure that, inspite of upcoming liberal ideas and actions, our country will be successful and we shall retain our freedoms.

(When people are complacent and do nothing, they have chosen to give up their freedom! I pray that doesn't happen in this country.)