Saturday, March 14, 2009

Obama's Special Tactics - Playing the "Blame Game"

"It's his fault," the second grader complained to me. "I didn't do anything. I was trying to fix it."

"She made me break it," another youngster remarked, when asked what had happened. "It's her fault."

This is typical of students at a young age. They're unwilling, or don't know how, to take responsibility for their actions. They find it easier to blame others.

Is Obama playing this "blame game" of youngsters?

He's forever blaming President Bush for the economic situation, when Bush had to struggle with a Democrat Congress, one of whom was then Obama. This Congress fought almost every positive measure Bush tried to pass. They also orchestrated much of the current banking mess, with Obama profiting highly from it.

When Obama ran for President, he knew the economic situation of the country because, as a senator, he was in the midst of it. He knew what he'd have to face as President.

But it's much easier to blame Bush, even when Obama's current policies worsen the situation, than to face up to being a leader of a country. It was Democrat Harry Truman whose slogan while he was President was, "The buck stops here."

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