Thursday, February 26, 2009

Is Barack Hussein Obama Unleashing Terrorists on Our Country?

Would a President, who had the safety and welfare of his country in mind, release known terrorists unless he had an underlying motive? Why is Barack Hussein Obama releasing them, by executive order, from Gitmo, like one recently sent to Britain, who has known terrorist ties?

Is there an underlying motive, not just the humanitarian ones he spouts to the public?

Is this just the beginning of a reign of terror to be unleashed on this country and the world while the terrorists take over? Are there plans in the works to set terrorists against America? Are there undergound terrorists in this country planning to join them?

Something to think about when America's enemies are being set free?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Obama - The Master of Theatrics & Manipulation

Anyone has to admit that Obama is the Master of Theatrics and Manipulation. He knows how to play to the people with his programs that will bankrupt the country and plummet us into socialism. He knows how to stir up "class envy" and jealousy. He appeals to the emotions (not the mind) with words that don't have depth but have "feel good" connotations.

His White House team also are very skilled in utilizing the Internet, so can spread these communications further and faster than ever before. They also know how to master the media.

Obama doesn't need to have a lot of substance, simply the ability to use words and drama to play upon people's emotions and fears, to act quickly with his team while "the iron is hot." That in itself is scary.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Obama Alert Blogger Published in Eternally Yours Anthology

Obama Alert blogger, Mary Emma Allen has stories featured in the new release, Eternally Yours, an anthology of poetry, light essays, devotions and meditations, edited by Mary Ellen Grisham and published by Xulon Press.

Featuring some of the best Christian writers on the Internet, this book represents work that has appeared in the Eternal Ink E-zine since it’s inception in 1999.

In addition, Mary gives presentations and teaches workshops at schools, libraries, writers’ conferences, and for other groups. Some of her talks include topics such as Alzheimer's and caregiving, quilt history and quiltmaking, New Hampshire history, and writing.

I was pleased when Ms. Grisham selected some of my stories for inclusion in this anthology. It's exciting to encourage and inspire others with my writing.

More Tea Parties are Brewing Along with Investigations into Obama's Birth

The tea parties in protest, reminiscent of the Boston Tea Party of the American colonists, continue to grow and "brew." They consist of people getting together in groups and marches, citizens blogging about this phenomenon, and some of them even having Twitter gatherings.

(Obama utilized the power of the Internet very effectively in his run for the presidency. Now it's being used for organizing tea parties and spreading the news about citizens' dissatisfaction with his spending programs.)

Also, integrated with the tea party protests is investigation into Obama's real birth place. If it was in the US, that's fine. But why won't he produce a certified birth certificate? That makes people really question his background.

Check Out:
Tea Party Revolution Brewing
Tea Party U.S.A. - The movement grows (by Michelle Malkin who apparently started the ball rolling or tea brewing)
Groundswell of Obama Opposition Called a "Tea Party"

What is your stand on the tea parties and birth investigation?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Groundswell of Obama Opposition Called a "Tea Party"

A groundswell of opposition to Obama's policies has begun. It's making an appearance in the form of "tea parties," reminiscent of the Boston Tea Party when the American colonists got fed up with British taxation before the Revolutionary War.

Beginning on the West Coast, the tea party theme is spreading to other regions of the country, particularly after Rick Santelli put his stamp of approval on it.

For more information see:

Taxpayer Revolt Spreads as Tea Party Goes National

Santelli's Manifesto: Why He Called it a "Tea Party."

How to Organize Your Own Tea Party

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Judd Gregg Thwarts the Obama Plan for Jean Sheheen's Elevation in the Senate

When Judd Gregg reconsidered accepting the position of Commerce Secretary, he thwarted the Obama/Pelosi/Reid plan for Jeanne Sheheen’s elevation to senior senator from New Hampshire. Although only in office a short time, Sheehan's an avid, aggressive proponent of socialism and government control. (We still are suffering the effects of her years as governor here in New Hampshire.)

Being named senior Senator would have been a juicy tidbit for her to grasp so soon after taking office. How could she best do this and weld her influcence? By getting Judd Gregg out of the way!

At first it looked as though the plan would work...that Gregg would grab the carrot. However, fortunately he reconsidered and is back at his old job.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Want a House? Want a Kitchen? Want a Car? Ask Obama!

The GREAT GIVEAWAY is going on. Simply ask Obama for a house when you meet him on the PR trail and you'll get one. As least if the scenario in Florida is to be believed.

(Seems likely it was staged for PR purposes. Yes, the lady probably got the house. But no one is going to give or rent one on the spur of the moment to an unknown person.)

So now when Obama hits the trail meeting his public, people in the hold signs or call out what they want. "Give me a condo." "I want a new kitchen." "Get me better benefits." "I need a new car."

They have been conditioned to believe that "change" means getting anything they want, scot-free from Obama in this great season of giveaways.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Media Criticism of Judd Gregg

I’ve been reading and listening to criticism of Judd Gregg because he refused the Obama nomination for Commerce Secretary. I was disappointed that Judd Gregg accepted it in the first place and wondered what he had been offered or if he’d been too trusting.

It would seem that he had been too trusting and thought he could do more good in that position. However, the true light of the Obama administration soon came to light:

They removed overseeing the census from Senator Gregg and the Commerce Dept and gave to the White House team, where figures can be (and likely will be) manipulated to benefit the Democrats.

They removed Judd Gregg from the Senate so he wouldn’t be involved in the Stimulus Bill input and voting. Did he have that much influence among fellow Republicans and possibly some Democrats?

Would Gregg's removal then enable Jean Sheheen to become senior Senator from NH almost as soon as she took office because the new appointee would be her junior? Ah! The scheming that could be done then.

No matter what, they have destroyed Gregg’s credibility in running for a 2010 term.
I do commend Judd Gregg for reconsidering and taking his place in the Senate.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Senator Judd Gregg Sees the Light

I am delighted that Judd Gregg, our senator from New Hampshire, has “seen the light” and refused the nomination for Secretary of Commerce. He apparently has discovered the trickiness of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid Administration and realized he was being used to get his influence out of the Senate.

As Gregg has mentioned regarding his refusal of the nomination, he has differences with Obama’s policies. It would have been nice if Gregg had realized right off and refused the nomination entirely. Then there wouldn’t have been this disruption during the discussion and voting on the Stimulus Bill.

Census Work Taken Away

Also, as soon as Gregg was nominated, the census work was was removed from the job description of Secretary of Commerce. No discussion with Gregg, just simply the announcement that the White House now was going to oversee this. Already, Gregg was being made a figurehead as soon as they got him out of the Senate and away from voting against the Stimulus.

Nice going, Judd Gregg, finally to have seen the light and stood up for your principles, even though you wavered momentarily while under the mesmerization of the Obama crew.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Obama's Stimulus Health Care Proposals Discussed at Alzheimer's Notes

Concern for the effect of the health care proposals in the Stimulus Bill on Alzheimer's patients is discussed at Alzheimer's Notes under, Stimulus Health Care Provisions Could Eliminate the Elderly, the Infirm and Terminally Ill.

This information somehow was buried in the multiple pages of the bill and didn't come to light with wider publicity until a couple days ago. Only now are the ramifications of this provision being realized.

Related Posts:
“Big Brother” health care provisions
Fast Tracking Govt. Control of Health Care
Eliminate the Elderly
Motto of the Stimulus Bill

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Have Collins, Snowe & Specter Joined Obama & the Dems to Eliminate the Elderly, Infirm & Terminally Ill?

By joining Obama and the Dems in approving the Stimulus Bill, Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, and Arlen Specter have given their okay to killing the elderly, infirm and terminally ill. Hidden within the stimulus package you'll find the implementation for withholding health care from the elderly, infirm and terminally ill if a designated government agency decides they aren't worth spending money on for a cure.

Doctors, in order to continue practicing and to avoid fines and prison, generally would have to abide by these decisions of governmental non-medical personnel even if it means going against their code of ethics and Hippocratic oath.

What were these turncoat senators promised (or threatened) for them to cave in? It will be interesting to see if they were promised key posts in the Obama government? Or were they threatened with exposure of some mishap in their past?

(Of course, the senators aren't worried about themselves because they're covered by an entirely different health care program which won't refuse them care in older age or if they're terminally ill.)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Obama Pushes the Panic Button

Obama, on Prime Time TV, pushed the panic button even harder tonight in an attempt to deceive the public about his Stimulus Bill and strike terror into an unsuspecting citizenry. As a package full of pork, discrimination against the elderly and the weak, and religious descrimination, the stimulus package swells to encompass huge spending that will leave our country in dire future financial straits (much worse than it is now).

In an attempt to scare the public into submission, as he and the Democrats run full throttle into dictatorship, Obama tells us we have no hope unless we look to him as a messiah with the life saving stimulus plan.

According to the Congressional Budget Office report released last Friday, this stimulus package will do more harm in the long run than if nothing were done at all. If citizens looked carefully at the ramifications, which Obama and the Democrats don't want them to, they would have reason to be terrified...more so than they are now.

"Let Older Citizens & the Weak Die" - Motto of Obama's Stimulus Bill

The Stimulus Bill sets up the government as the terminator...."Let Older Citizens & the Weak Die" because their care will cost too much is the motto of the Stimulus Bill, a credo hidden deeply within its many pages.

That is in the Stimulus Bill and people don't realize it. There will be rationing of health care and doctors will be penalized (even jailed) if they don't go along with it. A nationalization of health records will control your care and life. The basis for all of this is in the bill. But the unsuspecting and uninformed have no idea. The Stimulus Bill has very little to do with jobs but more to do with control of citizens and reinforcement of election favors shown the Democrats.

This is another page from Hitler's extermination of the weak.

"Let the weak die [of any age]," will be their motto. If the cost of cure will be more than life expectancy, health care will be denied.

Do you want this?

Obama's Stimulus Bill Is Against Religious Freedom

One of the provisions of the Stimulus Bill concerns religious freedom. Apparently colleges will be refused stimulus money if any is used for renovations of buildings where religious meetings are held.

What do they mean by "religious?" Is it the customary discrimination against Christianity? Or will it include Muslims, Hindus, atheists and anyone outside the Christian and Jewish religions, too?

Just another of the strategies to do away with Christian religious freedom in our country.

One of the Republican congressmen tried to get this provision eliminated from the bill but was defeated by the Democrats.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Did Obama Bribe or Threaten GOP Turncoats?

Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, and Arlen Specter have become turncoats and let down the GOP and their constituents by apparently deciding to support the "pork" laden stimulus package. Yes, they have negotiated with Obama, but not enough to cut out the pork or benefit the country. Also, these negotiated cuts, in all likelihood, won't be allowed to remain once the bill is back in the House.

It makes you wonder if Snowe, Collins, and Specter were bribed or threatened by Obama.

Will their breaking ranks entice other weak Republican Senators to show poor judgment and disregard ethics? Is there no honor any more?

Let's hope some Democrats see the light and do what is best for the country.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Will Obama Limit Wages & Profits in Small Businesses, too?

As Obama starts by capping the wages of corporate executives, I wonder if this isn't the first step to controlling all businesses, including small ones and home based ones. Will we be penalized if we have the initiative to take risks and endure hardships to start a small business which grows into a very successful one, as Patricia Bolton and Alex Anderson have done in the quilting world?

What if you develop a consulting business, one that produces unique products that you started in your home, one that provides a service like day care or home nursing...anything that creative and energetic Americans have done since colonial days?

Will they be forced to limit their income and profits? Or if they make over a specific amount, will they be forced to give that to those who prefer to life "on the dole?"

Think about it...limiting big business is just the first step to limiting ALL businesses and creating a dictorship and socialism.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Obama Is Killing Free Enterprise in America

The limiting of corporate executives' pay smacks of socialism, Hitlerism, Leninism, and Stalinism. That's what Obama is proposing when he limits it to $500,000. He's taking away the incentive of free enterprise and initiating tight government control.

By playing upon the "class envy" syndrome, Obama will turn the person who makes a lesser wage upon the one who has earned their way to the top.

Does this mean that soon even those who have their own businesses, home based and small shops, will have their income capped? They will be forced to give anything beyond a cap to those who aren't willing to take the risks and do the hard work.

Look beyond today. Look beyone the surface of what Obama and his tax evading buddy are proposing? They're proposing control, not just of the large corporations, but eventually of you and me.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Others Comment on Obama's Craftiness at Selecting Judd Gregg

Others are reiterating Obama's sneakiness at possibly selecting Judd Gregg as Commerce Secretary and thus decreasing the number of Republican senators in Congress. If Gregg concurs and deserts his obligations to his constituents and fellow Republicans, a quick confirmation is likely to be pushed through.

Quick enough that a Gov. Lynch Democratic appointee will be in the Senate in time to approve the stimulus package which shows signs of failing. Some reports indicate that Gov. Lynch might consider (and "might" is the operative word here) a Republican appointee so as not to upset the balance. But if Lynch's record as a NH governor is any indication (and I live in NH), don't count on it. The craftiness of the Obama regime likely will rein.

So....will Judd Gregg have enough integrity to remain in control of his life and help his country. Or will he become an Obama puppet? There's also the likelihood that once he's Commerce Secretary he could be forced, not too far down the road, to resign unless he does become a true puppet. So what will he have gained?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Has Judd Gregg Been Bought By Obama?

I certainly hope not. But....when Obama wanted confirmation for his tax evading Secretary of the Treasury, Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire, broke ranks with other Republications and voted for this. I was surprised and disappointed in Gregg...and wondered why he voted this way.

Now it's becoming apparent. In exchange for consideration for the Commerce Secretary post, will Gregg play along with Obama and help him get what he wants? (I certainly hope Gregg doesn't vote for the stimulus package, especially not as it is with all the money in it to pay back those who helped Obama win the election.)

Also, with Gregg out of the way as a Republican senator (if the Commerce Secretary post is confirmed for him), it will leave an opening for NH Gov. Lynch to appoint a Democrat in Gregg's stead, thus swinging the balance in the Senate even more in favor of the Democrats.

According to some reports, Lynch has promised not to do this. Promises! Promises! Is there more behind all of this than simply selecting someone for a cabinet post?

The people of NH elected Gregg to represent them as a Republican in the Senate. He may be a good selection for Commerce Secretary, but with the balance of power so close in Congress and adverse "changes" in the wind, he does have an obligation to those who have enabled him to be in this position.

We shall see if politics or ethics wins out.