Monday, February 16, 2009

Senator Judd Gregg Sees the Light

I am delighted that Judd Gregg, our senator from New Hampshire, has “seen the light” and refused the nomination for Secretary of Commerce. He apparently has discovered the trickiness of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid Administration and realized he was being used to get his influence out of the Senate.

As Gregg has mentioned regarding his refusal of the nomination, he has differences with Obama’s policies. It would have been nice if Gregg had realized right off and refused the nomination entirely. Then there wouldn’t have been this disruption during the discussion and voting on the Stimulus Bill.

Census Work Taken Away

Also, as soon as Gregg was nominated, the census work was was removed from the job description of Secretary of Commerce. No discussion with Gregg, just simply the announcement that the White House now was going to oversee this. Already, Gregg was being made a figurehead as soon as they got him out of the Senate and away from voting against the Stimulus.

Nice going, Judd Gregg, finally to have seen the light and stood up for your principles, even though you wavered momentarily while under the mesmerization of the Obama crew.

1 comment:

  1. Obama’s stealing the census from Congress has suddenly awakened and enraged the Republicans. Maybe this will arouse them as well to challenge Obama for stealing the Presidency itself. They surely know he is not an Article 2 “natural born citizen” (which is more than merely being a 14th Amendment “citizen”) by virtue of either Obama’s birth to a dad of Kenyan/British citizenship or birth in Kenya itself — as manifested by his unwillingness to supply his long form birth certificate now under seal.
