Thursday, February 5, 2009

Will Obama Limit Wages & Profits in Small Businesses, too?

As Obama starts by capping the wages of corporate executives, I wonder if this isn't the first step to controlling all businesses, including small ones and home based ones. Will we be penalized if we have the initiative to take risks and endure hardships to start a small business which grows into a very successful one, as Patricia Bolton and Alex Anderson have done in the quilting world?

What if you develop a consulting business, one that produces unique products that you started in your home, one that provides a service like day care or home nursing...anything that creative and energetic Americans have done since colonial days?

Will they be forced to limit their income and profits? Or if they make over a specific amount, will they be forced to give that to those who prefer to life "on the dole?"

Think about it...limiting big business is just the first step to limiting ALL businesses and creating a dictorship and socialism.

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