Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Media Criticism of Judd Gregg

I’ve been reading and listening to criticism of Judd Gregg because he refused the Obama nomination for Commerce Secretary. I was disappointed that Judd Gregg accepted it in the first place and wondered what he had been offered or if he’d been too trusting.

It would seem that he had been too trusting and thought he could do more good in that position. However, the true light of the Obama administration soon came to light:

They removed overseeing the census from Senator Gregg and the Commerce Dept and gave to the White House team, where figures can be (and likely will be) manipulated to benefit the Democrats.

They removed Judd Gregg from the Senate so he wouldn’t be involved in the Stimulus Bill input and voting. Did he have that much influence among fellow Republicans and possibly some Democrats?

Would Gregg's removal then enable Jean Sheheen to become senior Senator from NH almost as soon as she took office because the new appointee would be her junior? Ah! The scheming that could be done then.

No matter what, they have destroyed Gregg’s credibility in running for a 2010 term.
I do commend Judd Gregg for reconsidering and taking his place in the Senate.

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