Thursday, October 29, 2009

How Much More Misinformation from Obama & Czars Do We Get?

There's an interesting report out today, in numerous news sources, that the number of jobs created or saved by Obama's stimulus money has been vastly overstated by thousands. An "honest" mistake that will be corrected at the White House web site, we're told, although at the time of the news reports it hadn't. Also, many of those jobs existed only for several weeks, not a long term creation of work. Others weren't jobs created, but reflected raises given to existing jobs.

What can we believe from Obama and his czars? As long suspected, facts and figures are manipulated for their gain and to draw the public tighter into their web. Words are maneuvered to to reflect Obama's meaning, not what we've always known them to mean.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Obama Breaking Afghanistan Promise

From his promise to boost up troops in Afghanistan so they and we can win in the fight against terror, President Obama is backing down. He's breaking his Afghanistan promise, just as he's broken so many.

Questions to ask:

Is he waffling because the key Democrats in Congress don't want more troops sent there to win the war and refuse to finance them?

Does he have an underlying purpose...weaken our leadership abroad and allow terrorists to gain hold so they can attack our country again?

Is he planning to hand our country over to terrorists...with him in control of a socialist country? Does he have a secret deal in the works?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Obama's Take Over of the United States Very Scary

A friend has been trying to make people realize the detriment all Obama's "changes" are making and will make to a free America as we know it. She called the situation disturbing.

I responded:

The situation is more than's downright scary. I lived through the WWII era, and I see so many things happening in this country that happened in Hitler's Germany...control of the people before they realized what was happening. Promises for a better world, when all it meant was Hitler's control. Take-over of businesses, transportation, military, health care, communications, and elimination of those who opposed him. I never thought I'd see it here.

So I've been speaking out, and elsewhere. Even though people have been objecting at town halls and tea parties, Obama, Pelosi, Reid and Obama's henchmen/czars are determined to ignore what we the people say and pass their laws anyway...and pass them fast. They ignore the laws of the land and the Constitution, and no one stops them. Hitler did this, too, before the ordinary citizens realized what was going on.

How something like this could happen so quickly, in 9 months, in our country, is what has so many people almost paralyzed, I think. We must keep speaking out and informing, because many of the younger generations don't realize what is happening. They have nothing to compare it with, and could find their freedoms curtailed before they know it.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Obama & Dems Propose to Control the Internet

You lose freedom of the Internet under one of the latest pieces of legislation (Senate bill 773) in Congress proposed by Democrat Jay Rockefeller. Olympia Snowe, a frequent "turncoat" Republican from Maine, also has been involved in this bill.

The Congress debates giving President Barack Obama, Democrat, sweeping authority over Internet Service Providers, including the authority to nationalize whatever Internet resources he declares to be important, according to an aticle at Red State.

The article, Bill would give President emergency control of the Internet , provides additional information about giving Obama the ability to control the Internet and thus shut down communications that are objectional to him or object to his plans.

If you want your freedom of speech, speak out now. It could be curtailed under the guise of national security.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Boomers & Older Speak Out Against Obama Health Care Plan

Boomers and the older generation, perhaps thought would be quiet, have begun speaking out for themselves, their children and grandchildren in Obama's rush to subjugate us into becoming lemmings. We're more intelligent than he gave us credit for. We aren't willing to follow blindly.

When he and his followers become angry because they're compared to Hitler and Nazis, they perhaps don't realize we lived through that era, saw and knew people subjected to autocratic rule. We remember fighting to free them. We had family in that war, had family members and friends killed fighting for freedom.

So, when an all encompassing government dictated health care plan is proposed, we will object. Because we know it can exert control over our entire life (and that of our children, grandchildren, friends, colleagues and fellow Americans). It can force us, against our will, to become subjects to an autocratic ruler and his czars.

Boomers and older will continue to speak out.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Obamacare Will Dictate How You Raise Your Children

Want government representatives knocking at your door and demanding to talk with you about how you should raise your kids?

It's not just a myth or something from a horror story.

This is written in the Obama health care, government control bill, section 838, that will require parents to submit to government visits and control of how they raise their children, appropriate discipline, speaking to your kids, educating of your kids.

This is just one more way Obamacare will control every aspect of your life, from eliminating Gramdma, aborting unborn children, telling you what medical care you can have, regulating how to end your life, to collecting all records about your entire life.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

More People Recognize the Hitler Similarities in Obama

For sometime, I've mentioned in my posts, the scary similarities between Obama and Hitler, of the policities advocated and pushed through by the Democrats that remind me of the Hitler initiated ones in Nazi Germany.

Now others are mentioning the similarities, enough so that Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats are trying to deflect attention from themselves by calling the American citizens Nazis. They must be running scared if they're trying to call others, especially conservatives, names. They're even setting up Big Brother/Hitler type spying activities.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Obama Wants Absolute Control of YOUR Life

Obama's many programs, when set into action, will give him and his henchmen ABSOLUTE control over your life:

  • The car you drive - must have government environmental approval or you'll be taxed
  • The type of medical care you receive - if you're elderly your care will be cut..."take pain killers instead," Obama maintains
  • The doctor you see - proposed government run health care will allocate doctors
  • The food you eat - taxes on foods deemed unhealthy
  • The amount you weigh - obese people are beginning to be singled out as costing more in health care
  • The media you read and watch - proposals being made would shut down those who speak and write against Obama

This is just the tip of the iceberg as Obama, his czars and Nancy Pelosi set up programs to give them control over every aspect of our lives.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Obama Doesn't Have The Gas Chambers, But He Plans on Eliminating the Elderly

Although Obama doesn't have Hitler's gas chambers...YET, he plans on eliminating the elderly with his proposed health care legislation. As people analyze the 1000+ pages, they find in the fine print that the elderly (and those include the 65 age and older) and those with terminal illnesses, will be denied health care procedures that would prolong their life.

They will be counseled/advised on an "end of life" plan so they can end their life instead of having life prolonging medical care.

Hitler wasn't so seducing with his termination procedures, but he achieved the same end as Obama plans to.

What do you think?

Friday, July 24, 2009

Obama's Plan to Kill the Elderly and Infirm and Those Who Disagree

Is a crack appearing in Obama's plan to kill the elderly and infirm? As you hear more and more about the details of the proposed government run health care plan, you'll find that Obama cares nothing for the elderly and infirm and desires to do away with them, through non treatment of their illnesses. When the proposed treatment costs more than the perceived (by Obama appointed regulators) productivity of the person, they are condemned to death and settled into Hospice, not curative care.

Will the denial of health care then be extended to anyone who doesn't agree with the Obama administration? Anyone who doesn't agree with Obama? Anyone who doesn't vote "correctly?"

Will health care be a method of control?

Are you, a family member or friend among the condemned because of age, infirmity or political leanings?

More people are becoming informed, but too many yet are deceived by Obama's smooth manner.

Become informed and speak out. Inform others.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Obama To Eliminate People Over 65...To Save on Social Security Costs?

In the proposed health care bill, questions arise about the medical treatment for people over 65. Is this one way for the Obama Administration to solve the expected Social Security deficit?

By refusing necessary health care to this age group, because the cost of their care won't be balanced by productivity (determined by unknown beaurocrats). This, we can assume would to lead to the death or shorter life of many. Thus, Social Security payments would decrease!

Watch out if you or your loved ones are over 65. They are in the danger zone, if this bill goes through with its hidden agenda, as now planned.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Does One Voice Matter?

Sometimes I wonder....does one voice matter? Does my writing this blog to get people to thinking about Obama's programs and the destruction he's causing the United States matter?

However, if I can get one person to consider:
  • How Obama is fooling the people.
  • How he's taking over our country so quickly with his "do good" programs.
  • How he's manipulating the people and getting them to think he should think for them.
  • How he wants to get our medical and personal records into a national bank. From this there will be control over us by him and his czars.
  • How he's setting the stage for legalizing a third term for a persident...with himself in mind.
  • How he's planning on doing away with the aged and infirm and those who don't agree with him (by refusing health care)...just as Hitler did.
  • How he's creating hate among the people.

These are just a few of the policies thrust upon U.S. citizens so rapidly, more rapidly than anyone imagined.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Obama - The Great Terminator

Obama's great new health plan proposal will terminate those who aren't worth treating, testing...spending money on. If you're not considered worth the money spent, you will be refused health care and treatment, if you read between the lines of propaganda. A board, in Obama's pocket, will make the decisions, not your private physician.

Going back on campaign promises, Obama says he's received some "compelling aguments" that have made him rethink these issues, as well as punishing/fining those who don't go along with his health plan.

Who will be on the terminated list?

The elderly
The infirm
The unemployed
Those with terminal illnesses (young and old)
Those who oppose Obama

Shades of Hitler!! Who sent the unproductive and perceived enemies to the furnaces.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Qualifications for Obama Presidency - Ability to Swat a Fly

Although PETA is on Obama's trail for swatting a fly, whacking those insects seems to be a qualification for being President of the United States and getting extensive media coverage these days. Is this some significance about the mentality of the current president and the media?

*Perhaps all members of his White House staff and cabinet will need to improve fly swatting skills to maintain their jobs.

*Will there be fly swatting lessons for those who don't have this skill?

*Will there be fly swatting contests?

*Do they line the flies up to see who swatted the largest one? He/she gets to have lunch with Obama, just as kids vie to be good and have lunch with their teacher in second grade.

*Perhaps the media will join in. Whichever reporter swats the most flies will get an exclusive interview with Obama to learn more about his fly swatting skills and how they apply to governing the country and negotiating with Iran and North Korea.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Will Obama Silence Critical Media?

Much of the mainstream media has beeen Obama's pocket" since he announced his bid for the presidency. Nothing he could do was wrong, according to the major networks and newspapers. They generally haven't published critical articles, seeking out glowing reports and polls and emphasizing a way, indoctronizing the public.

Now you begin to see a scattering of headlines and articles that, while not necessarily critical, focus on individuals and groups that are opposed to some of Obama's programs and policies.

It will be interesting to see if Obama silences these and in some manner forces the media to report only news that promotes him and his dictators in other countries do and dictators in the past, like Hitler and Stalin, did.

It's a little more difficult these days with the Internet and social media to shut down all criticism. But those, too, could be censored, if Obama had enough backing for his executive orders.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Obama Follows Chavez's Trend in Socializing the US

If you follow what is going on in Venezeula, governed by dictator Hugo Chavez, you'll see the trends that are beginning to happen here. Chavez has a vendetta against big business and anyone making a profit, so he takes over industry with some nutsy excuse or another.

Look carefully at what Obama and his czars are doing, and you will find the same trend, as he takes over the auto industry, sets caps for corporate salaries, gives favors and money to big labor, and stirs up a hate industry against anyone who disagrees with him.

Under Obama's Rules, Will You Tell Your Doctor Everything?

If Obama has his way, the new health care rules will force doctors to make everything on your records public...perhaps not media public, but government records public. Yes, they say they'll guard your privacy, but many more people will have access to your records than they do presently.

Yes, now your records are open to insurance companies, Medicare and Medicaid (first step to government getting involved), participating doctors and hospitals...but generally if you sign an agreement.

Under the new rules, will you tell your doctor everything...about current conditions, medical history, etc., that enables him/her to treat you better? Or will you be concerned about invasion of your privacy and who has access to your records? So you will think twice about what you make public, because what you tell your doctor will no longer be private?

It's something to stop and think about in a world where government is getting increasingly involved in your private affairs. So far, they generally haven't found a way to dig information out of your brain you want to keep private...but that may be coming in Obama's plan for subjugation and absolute control.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"This Isn't the CHANGE I Voted For"

"This isn't the 'change' I voted for," a woman remarked, who worked for a car dealership that has been forced our of business.

What in the world did she think Obama's 'change' was going to bring? The signs were there that he saw himself as an absolute ruler of the United States, that he desired to erode our freedoms, take over the businesses, and set up a Hitler type country.

But so many people thought the 'change' was going to be a 'free ride.' However, Obama's 'free ride' comes with many conditions that people are just beginning to realize.

Let's hope enough of them wake up before it's too little, too late.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Obama Embraces Muslim Roots & Encourages Islam

Although Obama denied his Muslim roots while campaigning, he now shows his true colors and embraces them as he calls Islam the solution to all the world's problems. No matter how much he tries to play up the peacefulness of Islam, as he did in his Cairo speech, it's avowed purpose is to subjugate the world.

Does Obama see himself as the supreme ruler of the world...a Muslim world? Is that his agenda?

Be watchful! Be diligent!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Obama "Change" Poll at Home Biz Notes

Check out the Obama "Change" Poll at my home business blog, Home Biz Notes. You might want to stop by and let us know your thoughts on how Obama's changes affect home businesses.

Do you have a small or home business? Do you think the economic and social changes coming about and proposed have an effect on your business?

You can express your thoughts at Home Biz Notes.

Obama Calling the Shots at GM

The hosts at MSNBC's Morning Joe received evasive answers when they asked Ray Young, CFO at the restructured General Motors, whether President Obama really was running the auto company and had final veto power over decisions. As many times as they worded and reworded this question, Ray Young avoided a direct answer. Even when asked whether he could be fired if Obama didn't like his performance, Young was very evasive, refusing to answer the question.

This performance only reinforces the fact that Obama really is calling the shots at GM nowadays "for the taxpayers," and the officers and board of directors are in place to do his bidding.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Obama's Buddy, Chavez, Acquires Russian Missiles

Obama's buddy, Chavez of Venezuela, whom he knuckled under to during a Latin American visit, has acquired lethal anti-aircraft missiles from Russia. (To be aimed at US allies and our southern border?)

What is the significance behind this as Hugo Chavez builds up his arsenal and acquires more military strength? Will we carry a big stick or smile and accept more books of indoctrination?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Obama Takes Over GM Using Hitler-like Tactics

Following in Adolph Hitler's footsteps, Barack Hussein Obama has taken over General Motors, even though he's claiming it's "hands off" on his part. In his speech this morning, he said the company is following his dictates (guidelines) in setting up a new business plan. He's handpicked the new leaders of GM, who must follow Obama's orders if they're to get money to operate.

Also, the labor union will have a great deal to say, in a back room agreement with Obama, in how the plant will be run, garnering more power in the operation of this country. Obama is paying off the unions, who contributed to his campaign, by giving them ownership (along with him) of the transportation production, as Hitler did in gaining absolute control of Germany.

Anyone who lived through the World War II era and Hitler's dictatorship will recognize the initiating of the same type of take over by Obama as he mesmerizes the populace...who blindly follow him.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Obama Outlawing Opposing Opinions

Obama, and his cohorts, don't want you to have an opinion that opposes theirs. In fact, they're trying to make it illegal and punishable (shades of Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia and Saddam Hussein's Iraq) for you to express sentiments that don't agree with them.

Chuck Norris has a very informative column about this topic, Outlawing Opinion, and the proposed bill in Congress that would limit free speech. It's scary that, in our country, the President and government will enact laws, and are allowed to push these laws through, that will limit anyone who opposes them.

Inform yourself and speak out before it's too late!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Obama to Put Our Children's Lives at Risk

With his demand for smaller cars that get a minimum of 35 mpg, Obama will be putting your children's lives at risk. You'll no longer be allowed to drive the larger safer cars, trucks and SUVs, so your children's lives will be in more jeopardy from tragic accidents.

When the call for using less gas in vehicles vies with our children's lives, Obama opts for the "less gas," "smaller autos" which gives him media attention. Children's lives, and our lives are brushed under the table.

What do you think?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Obama Becomes More Bush-like

In recent days, Obama has reversed decisions and slowed down some of his radical policies so that he seems msore like President Bush in his actions. He appears to be realizing that what he said he'd do during his campaign won't work in actuality.

The reality that President Bush wasn't so far off track is being felt as Obama reverses decisions.

This doesn't mean he still isn't dangerous and isn't a liability for our country, democracy and freedom. But he has had to become more Bush-like in some of his actions.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fox News Refuses to Broadcast Obama's 100 Days Speech

Good for Fox News! One of the networks has the guts to stand up and say "Enough!" They refused to broadcast Obama's 100 Days glut of propoganda and continued with their regular programming.

The rest of the major networks roll over and play dead when Obama makes a demand. They're willing to lost money and put their finances in jeopardy simply because Obama wants another free appearance.

At last one network will say they will give people a choice so that Americans can watch something else on TV besides Obama and his teleprompter, without having to turn the TV off.

Now Fox News and it's officials probably come under surveillance for refusing to bow to the wishes of "the king." They will become "the enemy" as far as Obama is concerned.

However, Fox News will give Americans reason to take heart that there is a choice in our country.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Obama's Power Grab

A Democrat, who voted for Obama, recently expressed disappointment and discouragement over what's now happening.
"I just see a power grab," he said.

He had been caught up in the "change" retoric and thought Obama was going to change this country's ills for the better. Now all he's seeing is Obama's and his cronies' "power grab."
If they can't get something they want through Congress (and even some Democrats are beginning to block him there), Obama simply regulates through his agencies.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Obama Institutes Spying on Loyal Americans

Spying on loyal Americans, including those attending the recent Tea Parties protesting taxation, the stimulus package, and other Obama programs, has been initiated. Stricter regulations and intelligence gathering was started after 9/11. However, that's nothing as to what's being implemented under the Obama administration, something Obama decried in his campaign.

The campaign rhetoric was simply a smokescreen. The actuality of Obama's agenda is becoming clear, and he's even focusing on returning veterans as enemies, along with anyone who speaks out against him and his policies.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Obama Fuels the Class Revolution

A popular technique of socialism is fueling dissatisfaction and anger toward large corporations that provide jobs for the general public. Obama's techniques of "leveling the economy" puts businesses and anyone making a good income in jeopardy of attack by those out of work or making less.

This is not simply a reporting of the news. It's a subversive tactic in Obama's agenda to stir up class envy and get the "have nots" on his side and ready to help him put down anyone with ambition and the desire to do something on their own. (Does anyone remember the "Little Red Hen" story? Not the childhood fairy tale, but the one of government controls.)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Obama Sets Up to Control/Own the Banks

Many of the banks that have received bail out money now find they don't want it and the mandatory controls Obama is exerting. They're wanting to turn back the money...and Obama and Geithner won't let them.

These two tyrants want to maintain control of the banks and our finances, ultimately US and the U.S.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Obama Advances His Agenda and Sells Out the U.S.

Do we conclude from Obama's failure to defend the United States against tirades from South American dictators that the United States really isn't Obama's country, that he really isn't a native born America, as many suspect?

Do we conclude that Obama is only using OUR country to further his agenda and goal to become dictator as he crawls into bed with other dictators who would welcome/support his true ideas and actions better our traditional allies?

Is Obama selling out the United States to advance himself? He actually told Ortega he was glad that dictator didn't slam him, but the U.S. instead.

Obama Buddies up to Tyrants and Refuses to Defend America

Obama buddies up to tyrants like Chavez and Ortega, as they insult America and doesn't defend this country. Chavez has even called Obama an ignoramous, but this doesn't deter Obama from acting as though they're the best of friends.

Do we conclude from this that the United States really isn't Obama's country, that he really isn't a native born America? Do we conclude that Obama is only using OUR country to further his agenda and attempt to become dictator?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Obama Regarded as "President Pantywaist" by Europeans

Selling out one's own country and criticizing its citizens when talking to other countries apparently doesn't set well with Europeans. With many, "President Pantywaist" is a laughing stock whose words don't mean much.

When a leader is willing to downgrade his own country and show no pride in its people, how can the Europeans think he's to be believed when it comes to dealing with them? As a result, many who observed him while on his "grand tour of the Continent and England" place no faith in his words nor promises.

Who can blame them?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Is Obama Really a Muslim Masquerading as a Christian?

When Obama bowed over the hand of the Saudi King Abdullah (a faux pas for an American president), was he expressing his Muslim heritage, which he may not have given up for Christianity, as claimed? Obama's action raises many questions in addition to breaking U.S. protocol.

The leader of the United States does not show subservience to the leader of another country, as Obama did to King Abdullah.

The White House has denied that Obama bowed over King Abdullah's hand, but videos of the occasion appear to prove differently.

What do you think?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Are Bribery & Tax Evasion Requirements for Obama Appointees?

If President Bush, or any Republican president, appointed the questionable people Obama does, they would have been "skinned alive" by the press and public. You even might have heard whispers (maybe even shouts) of "impeachment."

However, with Obama, it seems to be a requirement...that they're tax evaders or have accepted bribes (at least some type of fee) from companies they'll be affecting. Tax evader Timothy Geithner(who paid up when caught as he was scrutinized for the Treasury Secretary post) has sailed right through because he was the necessary man for the job. In fact, some said he was the only one could handle all the bailouts. Is he teaching Tax Evasion 101 on the side? Perhaps to all the people in Obama's administration as a required course?

The latest to make the news is Lawerence H. Summers, top economic advisor to Obama, who accepted millions in payment from the Wall Street companies he'll be involved in with as part of his job. It would seem there is a great conflict of interest here. He certainly would have been black balled if this were the Bush era.

But Obama can sail right on with tax evaders (would they have paid up if they hadn't been caught?) and paid off officials but nary a word of criticism from Congressional Democrats and his "in the pocket" media.

This certainly speaks ill for the ethics of the Obama Administration. This also sets the example that certain people can cheat, steal, and accept bribes and not be questioned and sends a pall of immorality over our country.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

At Least One Hollywood Voice Speaks the Truth About Obama

Angie Harmon, has become sort of a Hollywood "voice in the wilderness," as she speaks the truth about Obama policies instead of paroting liberal cliches. She has the insight to realize what is happening to our country and what horrors our future beholds.

She also expresses the concern of many people that if they disagree with Obama's policies and are fearful for the future, they're considered racist. However, Obama can criticize or express disapproval of anyone white, force them to leave their corporate positions and bend to his will, yet he's not censored at all.

At least Ms. Harmon continues to speak out without about her concerns for our country.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Overwhelming Destruction Wrought by Obama

It sometimes is so overwhelming just to realize all the damage, the present and future chaos, Obama is causing the country.

Hardly anyone expected him and the Democrat leaders in Congress to implement so much destructive legislation so quickly. How fellow Congressional members could be so stupid as to pass legislation without reading it, how they could have their arms twisted to follow like lemmings and cause so much destruction to our country is almost beyond imagination?

I've heard and read of these horrow stories. But they occurred in other countries or in fiction. Not the United States of America where freedom reigned.

What can we do? How can we turn the tide and encourage fellow Americans to speak out against ?

We must not give up home!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

White House Kitchen Garden (and Michelle Obama Fashion) News

In my previous post, Michelle Obama - Gardening in Style, I introduced the current topic regarding gardening and what's hot in the news about garden fashions. Planting a White House Kitchen Garden, the latest project of Mrs. Obama's and her daughters, has piqued the interest of gardeners and Michelle watchers. Also those who keep an eye on Mrs. Obama's fashions.

If you want to get on the bandwagon and learn more about their experience...and see the chic fashions Michelle gardens in (no grubbies, please), check out these links.

The White House Kitchen Garden and the power of symbolism

Obama Family News: White House Kitchen Garden and Camp David

A Victory Garden for a New Century

Michelle Obama Gardens in Style

Obama Family to pull weeds in new White House Garden

Michelle Obama - Gardening in Style

It's great that Michelle Obama is encouraging gardening, although this seemed to evolve after news articles and comments appeared that it would be nice the Obamas had a White House kitchen garden and set an example for others. So....I wonder, is this gardening to get points among the people and show off stylish gardening clothes, or really to promote a beneficial practice.

This certainly was a good photo op for Mrs. Obama; some news media spent more time describing the stylish gardening clothes and the names of the designers than gardening. (Great PR op, too, for the designers.) Is the welfare of the citizens the aim or PR for Mrs. Obama? Let's hope it's a little of both...a humanitarian gesture with a spin-off about gardening clothes.

However, how many people really garden in carefully coordinated designer clothes that present a great photo op? Anyway it wouldn't do for the First Lady to grovel in the dirt like most of us who plant gardens and get our hands dirty...and knees and even face.

Gardeners are enthusiastic, the news media is excited to write about something other than political posturing, and the White House grounds will see an agricultural trend perhaps for the first time since the cows and sheep, kept by early presidents, disappeared.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Is Obama Making Our Country More Susceptible for Terrorists?

Is Obama in the process of setting our country up for terrorist susceptibility? The feelers have been going out about limiting citizens' right right to bear arms. If you get enough feelers going out, frequently enough, you begin to desensitize people and encourage the activists.
However, since that strategy might not be fast enough for Obama and crew, are they focusing on the airline pilots? For it seems a good possibility that the right to bear arms and protect their passengers from 9/11 type attacks is being yanked from the pilots...quietly and, until now, without notice.

Is Obama disarming the pilots to ecourage terrorist attacks?

Some resistance and dissatisfaction with his recent policies is surfacing. Are militant takeover plans the backup if Obama can't get his way through legislation and executive orders fast enough?

Think about it. Why disarm the pilots and put planes and passengers in jeopardy unless there's an underlying reason.

(Since the above linked article appeared, denials have been made by Obama's spokespeople . But something set off the story in the first place. It's unlikely that the news came out of thin air. What do you think?)

Bush Remains the Gentleman While Obama Blasts Him

Obama has been playing the "blame game," accusing former President Bush for causing all the problems rampant in the U.S. and the world today. Even those problems Obama is creating himself, he somehow finds a reason to blame Bush.

However, George W. Bush reveals himself to be the gentleman that Obama will have a difficult time equalling. When questioned about Obama, Bush merely says, that the current President "deserves my silence."

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Brits Still Shocked By Obama's Treatment of Prime Minister Brown

Britain, our ally for decades, still feels the slights (and probably will forever) that Obama showered upon Prime Minister Gordon Brown, when he visited the United States last month. Even world historians are calling it a "diplomatic disaster."

Obama's defamation of Winston Churchill, his statue and memory, also rankles. This a country which helped us maintain our freedom during two World Wars. Without the British sacrifices and buffering of the enemy, we could be a captured country.

One only hopes they will pull with us in future crises.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Obama's Special Tactics - Playing the "Blame Game"

"It's his fault," the second grader complained to me. "I didn't do anything. I was trying to fix it."

"She made me break it," another youngster remarked, when asked what had happened. "It's her fault."

This is typical of students at a young age. They're unwilling, or don't know how, to take responsibility for their actions. They find it easier to blame others.

Is Obama playing this "blame game" of youngsters?

He's forever blaming President Bush for the economic situation, when Bush had to struggle with a Democrat Congress, one of whom was then Obama. This Congress fought almost every positive measure Bush tried to pass. They also orchestrated much of the current banking mess, with Obama profiting highly from it.

When Obama ran for President, he knew the economic situation of the country because, as a senator, he was in the midst of it. He knew what he'd have to face as President.

But it's much easier to blame Bush, even when Obama's current policies worsen the situation, than to face up to being a leader of a country. It was Democrat Harry Truman whose slogan while he was President was, "The buck stops here."

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Does Obama Have Control of the Media?

When we see the blind, unquestioning approval that Barack Obama has achieved from the news media, we wonder how he exerted this control over journalists who are supposed to present both sides, to be investigative and objective. When I was a newspaper reporter, my editor regularly instructed us to "get both sides of the story" and "present the whole picture."

We weren't in the town government officials' pockets. We were to look at more than one person's views. We weren't to express idolatry for a specific official or candidate.

As a columnist, I could have express my views, but as a reporter I had to be vigilant, accurate, and unbiased. Today's media act as parrots of Obama's policies, see no wrong as he wrecks the economy and sets himself up as a god or dictator. It's the same scary scenario we saw in Germany as Hitler grabbed power and took control of the media, who then could only spout his praises.

It's definitely is a scary scenario we're experiencing now in this country. How many journalists are holding their heads up with pride of a job done with honesty and integrity.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Obama's Proposed Health Care - Euthanasia for the Elderly & Infirm?

In all the excitement over health care for all, as proposed by Barack Obama and his team of White House administrators and Congressional colleagues, will people look carefully at what it contains? Or will they blindly accept what seems like a good deal without scrutinizing the details, like refusal of treatment for the elderly and those deemed uncurable (by administrators, not doctors and medical staff)?

Check out the article at Alzheimer's Notes, Obama's New Health Care - Will It Result in Elder Neglect & Euthanasia?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Obama Snubs Prime Minister Gordon Brown & Great Britain

Allies for decades, Great Britain, Prime Minister Brown and his family had no to reason to expect a snub from the Obamas because he was too tired from dealing with this country's economic problems. What did he think a President does? Preside at ceremonial occasions and eat breakfast in bed?

The Brits are very annoyed because of the treatment allocated their Prime Minister and his family. And the excuses given by Obama's team for this social gaff.

Obama appears ready to give more time and attention to keeping company with the Taliban!
What does that mean?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Obama Continues to "Snow" the People

Even though Obama is leading the country deeper and deeper in debt and stocks plunge lower, apparently the majority of people continue to be "snowed" by him, according to a poll by the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

  • Are they afraid to speak out and disagree because of his race? When someone does speak out against him, they're likely to be accused as racist, yet other races must bear criticism.
  • Are they so overwhelmed by theatrics and charisma that they don't think and use common sense?
  • Are many so jealous of those they perceive as having more that they're willing to fall into Obama's jealousy trap?

It is scary and so reminiscent of how Hitler came to power and took freedom away from the German people.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Obama Urges Investors to "Buy Stocks!"

As stock prices plummet to new lows, due to Obama's money spending socialist programs, he now urges people to buy stocks and claims they're a good deal, midst outcries from economists.

This makes one wonder how many of Obama's cohorts are investing in stocks right now? Is this why Obama and crew aren't dismayed by the plunge in the stock market? Does it mean financial gains for them, as well as fueling their class division policy?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Learn from the Obamas How to Woo Your Friends...and Enemies

Whether you're in favor of Barack Obama as President and his policies, anyone has to admit he and Mrs. Obama are masters at wooing friends...and enemies. They have gathered around them a team that knows how to manipulate people, utilizing the Obama's personalities and current "star" attraction.

Learn from them and apply some of their techniques (of course, without any of the deceptiveness and destructiveness they're utilizing). They are playing the game of President and First Lady without traditional rules and are deceiving the majority of the people...and the world.

However, learn to use their techniques for GOOD and you'll be magnificent!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Is Barack Hussein Obama Unleashing Terrorists on Our Country?

Would a President, who had the safety and welfare of his country in mind, release known terrorists unless he had an underlying motive? Why is Barack Hussein Obama releasing them, by executive order, from Gitmo, like one recently sent to Britain, who has known terrorist ties?

Is there an underlying motive, not just the humanitarian ones he spouts to the public?

Is this just the beginning of a reign of terror to be unleashed on this country and the world while the terrorists take over? Are there plans in the works to set terrorists against America? Are there undergound terrorists in this country planning to join them?

Something to think about when America's enemies are being set free?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Obama - The Master of Theatrics & Manipulation

Anyone has to admit that Obama is the Master of Theatrics and Manipulation. He knows how to play to the people with his programs that will bankrupt the country and plummet us into socialism. He knows how to stir up "class envy" and jealousy. He appeals to the emotions (not the mind) with words that don't have depth but have "feel good" connotations.

His White House team also are very skilled in utilizing the Internet, so can spread these communications further and faster than ever before. They also know how to master the media.

Obama doesn't need to have a lot of substance, simply the ability to use words and drama to play upon people's emotions and fears, to act quickly with his team while "the iron is hot." That in itself is scary.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Obama Alert Blogger Published in Eternally Yours Anthology

Obama Alert blogger, Mary Emma Allen has stories featured in the new release, Eternally Yours, an anthology of poetry, light essays, devotions and meditations, edited by Mary Ellen Grisham and published by Xulon Press.

Featuring some of the best Christian writers on the Internet, this book represents work that has appeared in the Eternal Ink E-zine since it’s inception in 1999.

In addition, Mary gives presentations and teaches workshops at schools, libraries, writers’ conferences, and for other groups. Some of her talks include topics such as Alzheimer's and caregiving, quilt history and quiltmaking, New Hampshire history, and writing.

I was pleased when Ms. Grisham selected some of my stories for inclusion in this anthology. It's exciting to encourage and inspire others with my writing.

More Tea Parties are Brewing Along with Investigations into Obama's Birth

The tea parties in protest, reminiscent of the Boston Tea Party of the American colonists, continue to grow and "brew." They consist of people getting together in groups and marches, citizens blogging about this phenomenon, and some of them even having Twitter gatherings.

(Obama utilized the power of the Internet very effectively in his run for the presidency. Now it's being used for organizing tea parties and spreading the news about citizens' dissatisfaction with his spending programs.)

Also, integrated with the tea party protests is investigation into Obama's real birth place. If it was in the US, that's fine. But why won't he produce a certified birth certificate? That makes people really question his background.

Check Out:
Tea Party Revolution Brewing
Tea Party U.S.A. - The movement grows (by Michelle Malkin who apparently started the ball rolling or tea brewing)
Groundswell of Obama Opposition Called a "Tea Party"

What is your stand on the tea parties and birth investigation?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Groundswell of Obama Opposition Called a "Tea Party"

A groundswell of opposition to Obama's policies has begun. It's making an appearance in the form of "tea parties," reminiscent of the Boston Tea Party when the American colonists got fed up with British taxation before the Revolutionary War.

Beginning on the West Coast, the tea party theme is spreading to other regions of the country, particularly after Rick Santelli put his stamp of approval on it.

For more information see:

Taxpayer Revolt Spreads as Tea Party Goes National

Santelli's Manifesto: Why He Called it a "Tea Party."

How to Organize Your Own Tea Party

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Judd Gregg Thwarts the Obama Plan for Jean Sheheen's Elevation in the Senate

When Judd Gregg reconsidered accepting the position of Commerce Secretary, he thwarted the Obama/Pelosi/Reid plan for Jeanne Sheheen’s elevation to senior senator from New Hampshire. Although only in office a short time, Sheehan's an avid, aggressive proponent of socialism and government control. (We still are suffering the effects of her years as governor here in New Hampshire.)

Being named senior Senator would have been a juicy tidbit for her to grasp so soon after taking office. How could she best do this and weld her influcence? By getting Judd Gregg out of the way!

At first it looked as though the plan would work...that Gregg would grab the carrot. However, fortunately he reconsidered and is back at his old job.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Want a House? Want a Kitchen? Want a Car? Ask Obama!

The GREAT GIVEAWAY is going on. Simply ask Obama for a house when you meet him on the PR trail and you'll get one. As least if the scenario in Florida is to be believed.

(Seems likely it was staged for PR purposes. Yes, the lady probably got the house. But no one is going to give or rent one on the spur of the moment to an unknown person.)

So now when Obama hits the trail meeting his public, people in the hold signs or call out what they want. "Give me a condo." "I want a new kitchen." "Get me better benefits." "I need a new car."

They have been conditioned to believe that "change" means getting anything they want, scot-free from Obama in this great season of giveaways.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Media Criticism of Judd Gregg

I’ve been reading and listening to criticism of Judd Gregg because he refused the Obama nomination for Commerce Secretary. I was disappointed that Judd Gregg accepted it in the first place and wondered what he had been offered or if he’d been too trusting.

It would seem that he had been too trusting and thought he could do more good in that position. However, the true light of the Obama administration soon came to light:

They removed overseeing the census from Senator Gregg and the Commerce Dept and gave to the White House team, where figures can be (and likely will be) manipulated to benefit the Democrats.

They removed Judd Gregg from the Senate so he wouldn’t be involved in the Stimulus Bill input and voting. Did he have that much influence among fellow Republicans and possibly some Democrats?

Would Gregg's removal then enable Jean Sheheen to become senior Senator from NH almost as soon as she took office because the new appointee would be her junior? Ah! The scheming that could be done then.

No matter what, they have destroyed Gregg’s credibility in running for a 2010 term.
I do commend Judd Gregg for reconsidering and taking his place in the Senate.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Senator Judd Gregg Sees the Light

I am delighted that Judd Gregg, our senator from New Hampshire, has “seen the light” and refused the nomination for Secretary of Commerce. He apparently has discovered the trickiness of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid Administration and realized he was being used to get his influence out of the Senate.

As Gregg has mentioned regarding his refusal of the nomination, he has differences with Obama’s policies. It would have been nice if Gregg had realized right off and refused the nomination entirely. Then there wouldn’t have been this disruption during the discussion and voting on the Stimulus Bill.

Census Work Taken Away

Also, as soon as Gregg was nominated, the census work was was removed from the job description of Secretary of Commerce. No discussion with Gregg, just simply the announcement that the White House now was going to oversee this. Already, Gregg was being made a figurehead as soon as they got him out of the Senate and away from voting against the Stimulus.

Nice going, Judd Gregg, finally to have seen the light and stood up for your principles, even though you wavered momentarily while under the mesmerization of the Obama crew.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Obama's Stimulus Health Care Proposals Discussed at Alzheimer's Notes

Concern for the effect of the health care proposals in the Stimulus Bill on Alzheimer's patients is discussed at Alzheimer's Notes under, Stimulus Health Care Provisions Could Eliminate the Elderly, the Infirm and Terminally Ill.

This information somehow was buried in the multiple pages of the bill and didn't come to light with wider publicity until a couple days ago. Only now are the ramifications of this provision being realized.

Related Posts:
“Big Brother” health care provisions
Fast Tracking Govt. Control of Health Care
Eliminate the Elderly
Motto of the Stimulus Bill

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Have Collins, Snowe & Specter Joined Obama & the Dems to Eliminate the Elderly, Infirm & Terminally Ill?

By joining Obama and the Dems in approving the Stimulus Bill, Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, and Arlen Specter have given their okay to killing the elderly, infirm and terminally ill. Hidden within the stimulus package you'll find the implementation for withholding health care from the elderly, infirm and terminally ill if a designated government agency decides they aren't worth spending money on for a cure.

Doctors, in order to continue practicing and to avoid fines and prison, generally would have to abide by these decisions of governmental non-medical personnel even if it means going against their code of ethics and Hippocratic oath.

What were these turncoat senators promised (or threatened) for them to cave in? It will be interesting to see if they were promised key posts in the Obama government? Or were they threatened with exposure of some mishap in their past?

(Of course, the senators aren't worried about themselves because they're covered by an entirely different health care program which won't refuse them care in older age or if they're terminally ill.)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Obama Pushes the Panic Button

Obama, on Prime Time TV, pushed the panic button even harder tonight in an attempt to deceive the public about his Stimulus Bill and strike terror into an unsuspecting citizenry. As a package full of pork, discrimination against the elderly and the weak, and religious descrimination, the stimulus package swells to encompass huge spending that will leave our country in dire future financial straits (much worse than it is now).

In an attempt to scare the public into submission, as he and the Democrats run full throttle into dictatorship, Obama tells us we have no hope unless we look to him as a messiah with the life saving stimulus plan.

According to the Congressional Budget Office report released last Friday, this stimulus package will do more harm in the long run than if nothing were done at all. If citizens looked carefully at the ramifications, which Obama and the Democrats don't want them to, they would have reason to be terrified...more so than they are now.

"Let Older Citizens & the Weak Die" - Motto of Obama's Stimulus Bill

The Stimulus Bill sets up the government as the terminator...."Let Older Citizens & the Weak Die" because their care will cost too much is the motto of the Stimulus Bill, a credo hidden deeply within its many pages.

That is in the Stimulus Bill and people don't realize it. There will be rationing of health care and doctors will be penalized (even jailed) if they don't go along with it. A nationalization of health records will control your care and life. The basis for all of this is in the bill. But the unsuspecting and uninformed have no idea. The Stimulus Bill has very little to do with jobs but more to do with control of citizens and reinforcement of election favors shown the Democrats.

This is another page from Hitler's extermination of the weak.

"Let the weak die [of any age]," will be their motto. If the cost of cure will be more than life expectancy, health care will be denied.

Do you want this?

Obama's Stimulus Bill Is Against Religious Freedom

One of the provisions of the Stimulus Bill concerns religious freedom. Apparently colleges will be refused stimulus money if any is used for renovations of buildings where religious meetings are held.

What do they mean by "religious?" Is it the customary discrimination against Christianity? Or will it include Muslims, Hindus, atheists and anyone outside the Christian and Jewish religions, too?

Just another of the strategies to do away with Christian religious freedom in our country.

One of the Republican congressmen tried to get this provision eliminated from the bill but was defeated by the Democrats.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Did Obama Bribe or Threaten GOP Turncoats?

Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, and Arlen Specter have become turncoats and let down the GOP and their constituents by apparently deciding to support the "pork" laden stimulus package. Yes, they have negotiated with Obama, but not enough to cut out the pork or benefit the country. Also, these negotiated cuts, in all likelihood, won't be allowed to remain once the bill is back in the House.

It makes you wonder if Snowe, Collins, and Specter were bribed or threatened by Obama.

Will their breaking ranks entice other weak Republican Senators to show poor judgment and disregard ethics? Is there no honor any more?

Let's hope some Democrats see the light and do what is best for the country.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Will Obama Limit Wages & Profits in Small Businesses, too?

As Obama starts by capping the wages of corporate executives, I wonder if this isn't the first step to controlling all businesses, including small ones and home based ones. Will we be penalized if we have the initiative to take risks and endure hardships to start a small business which grows into a very successful one, as Patricia Bolton and Alex Anderson have done in the quilting world?

What if you develop a consulting business, one that produces unique products that you started in your home, one that provides a service like day care or home nursing...anything that creative and energetic Americans have done since colonial days?

Will they be forced to limit their income and profits? Or if they make over a specific amount, will they be forced to give that to those who prefer to life "on the dole?"

Think about it...limiting big business is just the first step to limiting ALL businesses and creating a dictorship and socialism.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Obama Is Killing Free Enterprise in America

The limiting of corporate executives' pay smacks of socialism, Hitlerism, Leninism, and Stalinism. That's what Obama is proposing when he limits it to $500,000. He's taking away the incentive of free enterprise and initiating tight government control.

By playing upon the "class envy" syndrome, Obama will turn the person who makes a lesser wage upon the one who has earned their way to the top.

Does this mean that soon even those who have their own businesses, home based and small shops, will have their income capped? They will be forced to give anything beyond a cap to those who aren't willing to take the risks and do the hard work.

Look beyond today. Look beyone the surface of what Obama and his tax evading buddy are proposing? They're proposing control, not just of the large corporations, but eventually of you and me.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Others Comment on Obama's Craftiness at Selecting Judd Gregg

Others are reiterating Obama's sneakiness at possibly selecting Judd Gregg as Commerce Secretary and thus decreasing the number of Republican senators in Congress. If Gregg concurs and deserts his obligations to his constituents and fellow Republicans, a quick confirmation is likely to be pushed through.

Quick enough that a Gov. Lynch Democratic appointee will be in the Senate in time to approve the stimulus package which shows signs of failing. Some reports indicate that Gov. Lynch might consider (and "might" is the operative word here) a Republican appointee so as not to upset the balance. But if Lynch's record as a NH governor is any indication (and I live in NH), don't count on it. The craftiness of the Obama regime likely will rein.

So....will Judd Gregg have enough integrity to remain in control of his life and help his country. Or will he become an Obama puppet? There's also the likelihood that once he's Commerce Secretary he could be forced, not too far down the road, to resign unless he does become a true puppet. So what will he have gained?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Has Judd Gregg Been Bought By Obama?

I certainly hope not. But....when Obama wanted confirmation for his tax evading Secretary of the Treasury, Judd Gregg, of New Hampshire, broke ranks with other Republications and voted for this. I was surprised and disappointed in Gregg...and wondered why he voted this way.

Now it's becoming apparent. In exchange for consideration for the Commerce Secretary post, will Gregg play along with Obama and help him get what he wants? (I certainly hope Gregg doesn't vote for the stimulus package, especially not as it is with all the money in it to pay back those who helped Obama win the election.)

Also, with Gregg out of the way as a Republican senator (if the Commerce Secretary post is confirmed for him), it will leave an opening for NH Gov. Lynch to appoint a Democrat in Gregg's stead, thus swinging the balance in the Senate even more in favor of the Democrats.

According to some reports, Lynch has promised not to do this. Promises! Promises! Is there more behind all of this than simply selecting someone for a cabinet post?

The people of NH elected Gregg to represent them as a Republican in the Senate. He may be a good selection for Commerce Secretary, but with the balance of power so close in Congress and adverse "changes" in the wind, he does have an obligation to those who have enabled him to be in this position.

We shall see if politics or ethics wins out.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Is Bush or Oboma More Like Lincoln?

Obama has been making commections between President Abraham Lincoln and himself by following his train route to Washington and using Lincoln's Bible for his swearing in. However, the more I've read and learned about President Abraham Lincoln, the more similarities I see between Lincoln andGeorge W. Bush.

  • Lincoln was criticized by the media.
  • He was poked fun of if he made errors.

  • He was Commander in Chief of a war that at first was popular, but soon became very unpopular.
  • As a result, the Civil War and the casualties often were blamed on him.
"Why are my boys fighting Mr. Lincoln's war," my great, great grandmother wrote to her daughter about her sons' involvement. "When will this war be over?"

Yet history proved Lincoln's critics wrong and he is known as a great president. Books are written about his superb leadership, his insight, his vision, his compassion, and his knowledge of the situation. Time will find George W. Bush a president with vision as well.

Even former President Jimmy Carter has predicted that George W. Bush will be seen as a president unfairly criticized.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Obama Selects "Honest" Tax Evader to Head Treasury & Oversee the IRS

Dishonesty apparently has been designated as a commendable characteristic in the Obama Administration. You particularly need to possess it if you want a governmental post running the financial affairs of the country. President Obama did not withdraw his selection for Secretary of the Treasury when it became public that Timothy Geithner had cheated "honestly" on his taxes. Then the Senate decided he's the best man for the job and confirmed him.

(Of course, once these facts were made public, Geithner paid the taxes, plus interest and penalties. Would he have paid if this hadn't come out in his confirmation?)

This signals to our country and the world that our President and Congress (except for a few ethical Senators) have no qualms about openly placing dishonest people in positions of public trust to handle monetary affairs. Like having the bear guarding the honey pot.

This is the man who will head the Treasury Department and direct the banking of our country as the government gets its fingers more emmeshed into the private sector.

Obama & Team Taking Absolute Control

One of the first steps to taking over absolute control of our country is to control the finances...which Obama and team (Democrats in Congress and his staff/advisors) are on their way to doing with bailouts and stimulus package.

With giving money to the car manufacturers and finance institutions, Obama and crew are getting their fingers in those pies. We can begin to see that the rules they lie down don't have much to do with financing...they have to do with control over who, what, where, when. And we're not supposed to ask WHY.

Look back to when Hitler began controlling those industries in Germany...what happened next?
He, and now Obama, with the media behind them, convince the people this is "for their own good." People jump on the bandwagon with their "savior" and before they know it they are trapped. Some don't even know they're trapped until they're so squeezed they're penalized for thinking for themselves...let alone expressing any dissent.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Is Obama Playing Games With Gitmo? And the American People?

Obama issued an Executive Order claiming he's going to shut down Gitmo, the prison for terrorists at Guantanamo. This has satisfied those who think we should be kind to terrorists, hold their hands, and tell them, "Be good boys. Don't do that again."

Now more figures and facts are coming to light that previously released terrorists have rejoined the ranks of the terrorist groups. One, known as Said Ali Al-Shihri, has been officially confirmed, by the Pentagon as a deputy commander of Al Qaeda in Yemen. He's also suspected of being involved this past September in a failed attack on the U.S. embassy in Yemen.

This raises some questions:

  • Did Obama know about this and other released terrorists who rejoined their groups, before issuing his Executive Order. As such, he can renege on the date for release...drag it out so he is satisfying those who want Gitmo closed and those who stress the danger of dispersing the prisoners.
  • If Obama wasn't briefed about these terrorists who rejoin and reemerge in terrorist groups (and this seems unlikely given his "presidential" demeanor before the Inauguration), will this give him a reason to delay the shut down, again trying to satisfy both sides?
  • Will Obama go ahead and release known terrorists throughout the world and "let the cards fall where they will?" At present, not too many countries seem to want the terrorists, except their fellow terrorists.
  • Does Obama plan to release known terrorists and is in league with terrorist groups who could strike our interests around the world and even our own country?
Food for thought!

Barack Obama & Abraham Lincoln

With so many references to Abraham Lincoln, during Barack Obama's Inauguration festivities, it might be helpful to have some resources so you and your youngsters can learn more about our 16th President. He was criticized during his term in office and was blamed for mistakes in the Civil War fought at that time. The media even criticized him a great deal.

Yet he was important to the black people because he issued the Emancipation Proclamation giving the slaves their freedom. Also, his leadership ensured that our country stayed together.

Abraham Lincoln for Kids: His Life & Times with 21 Activities (For Kids series) by Janis Herbert
A Picture Book of Abraham Lincoln (Picture Book Biography) by David A. Adler
A. Lincoln and Me by Louise Borden
Abraham Lincoln and His Family Paper Dolls by Tom Tierney
You Are There: Abraham Lincoln's Greatest Moments: The Emancipation Proclamation/The Gettysburg Address (DVD) starring Walte Cronkite and Paul Birch
Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation: The End of Slavery in America by Allen C. Guelzo
Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America by Garry Wills
Just a Few Words, Mr. Lincoln (The Story of the Gettysburg Address) by Jean Fritz
Lincoln on Leadership by Donald T. Phillips (One of my favorite books about Lincoln)Emancipation Proclamation Silk Necktie (produced for the NY Historical Society from Lincoln's handwritten original)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Books About Obama & the Presidency

Whether you voted for Obama or not, he has become the President of the United States. As such, he'll affect our lives, our country and the world. So that the you and your youngsters can keep abreast of current happenings regarding the Presidency and the 44th President, I've compiled a few books and resources here.

Barack Obama, President for a New Era (Gateway Biographies) by Marlene Targ Brill
Barack Obama: Our 44th President by Beatrice Gormley
Barack Obama: Out of Many, One (Step Into Reading) by Shana Corey
Michelle Obama: Meet the First Lady by David Bergen Brophy
The U. S. Presidency (Our Government) by Muriel L. Dubois
The American Journey of Barack Obama by the Editors of Life Magazine
The Story of Abraham Lincoln by Patricia A. Pingry
Time Line Presidents
Presidents Learning Placemat
Presidents of the USA Floor Puzzle

Do you have other books and resources you've found helpful in helping you understand the election, the presidency and the ascension of Barack Obama?

Obama's Inaugural Speech...

"Mary, did you hear him? Wasn't his speech magnificent?" a teaching colleague gushed.

Yet a teen I know said, when asked what she thought about Obama's Inaugural speech, "It was a lot of generatlities. He didn't say anything."

The teen had come up with this on her own because, in general, her teachers praised the speech. (Most of the schools showed the Inauguration on TV in the classrooms in area schools.)

I thought, "What a thinking young woman. She's not swayed by the emotion of the moment, but can see through the smoke and mirrors."

Her comment doesn't say whether she agrees or disagrees with Obama. However, she's astute enough to want some substance, not simply generalities and emotional "feel good" stuff.

We must teach our youngsters to look beyond the smoke and mirrors rather than being caught up in the emotion of the moment. The whole Inauguration event was a stupendous show of smoke and mirrors with multitudes caught up in emotion, not looking at the ramifications of what Obama's regime can mean to the country...and the world.

*Will Obama follow through with campaign promises...good and bad? Right now it looks like he's convincing his public that it will take longer than he expected. But, caught up in the emotional morass of the moment, they're willing to overlook his reniging on promises. For how long, as they struggle along as usual without any real changes in the Promised Land of Change.

*Is he trying to satisfy everyone, playing both ends against the middle? How long can he do this?

*Where does it end as we tumble into a crevasse of overspending, handouts, and socialism?

*Of course, socialism means control of the unthinking public (and by controlling them eventually overthrowing the thinking public) until a dictator stands in place.

I hope, for our country's sake, there are more thinking teens out there!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Is Obama Manipulating His Fellow Americans? Is Their Trust Misplaced?

Using those promotional tactics I discussed in a previous post, The Obama Team - Masters of Promotion, Obama now could ask for anything, do anything (good or evil) and have the majority of Americans fall over in obedience. He has become a "god," whom they hold in awe without looking beneath the surface. They expect miracles from him while he's only human. They expect he'll instaneously meet all his campaign promises and "change" their lives for the better and solve all their problems.

They see no traits that could signify a dictator, nor flaws meaning weakness. When a person becomes a "god," he has much to live up to. Often the power goes to his head and before people are aware, he has become a tyrant trampling them in his grasp for absolute control.

Those of us who have lived years of history have seen all of this happen and in between. Let's pray the country's trust has not been misplaced in Barack Obama.

The Obama Team - Masters of Promotion

Effective Obama Techniques for Promotion

More than any other presidential candidate, Barack Obama and his team appear to have utilized the wide reaching appeal of the Internet and the technique of branding to appeal to the masses and promote him as a person to lead our country. Whether you agree or not with the results of the presidential election, you’ll have to admit that the Obama team used promotional methods that worked.

Branding/Buzz Words – Branding has become an intregral part of promotion of any type these days. Finding a key word or buzz word that captured the attention and emotions of the public seemed important in the campaign. What did the Obama team settle on? Something very simple…. the word CHANGE. And it worked!

This word has a different meaning for everyone. It can evoke images of change for the better or fear of change for the worst. Somehow the Obama team was able to construe images of changing one’s present situation for the better so that the majority followed blindly with images of something they considered “better” dancing in their heads.

As more and more people picked up on CHANGE, the campaign gained momentum for Obama and most other Democrat candidates. You saw it in most everyone's ads, in their speeches, on banners and posters.

Use of the Internet – In today’s world, it’s almost imperative that you utilize the Internet as much as you can. You saw this in the Obama campaign with web sites, blogs, and YouTube town meetings. Obama utilized these online features to the fullest to reach the public, whereas other candidates appeared still to be learning there was an Internet out there.

Television changed political campaigns years ago. The Internet has brought it into the 21st century. To be effective, political candidates must keep up with the modern innovations, as the Obama team did...and continues to do.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

More About Obama, Presidential & Patriotic Quilts

Check out another post at Quilting and Patchwork about Presidential and Patriotic Quilts brought about by the flurry of those made by quilters in recognition of the Obama Presidency and Inauguration.

Although a great deal is being made of this occasion, with special displays in Washington, DC and elsewhere, you will find that in days ago, there were quilts made in recognition of United States Presidents and patriotic occasions. The list of names is interesting, as evidenced by the post linked above.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

"Is Obama Using His Daughters?" asks a Columnist.

By writing an open letter to his daughters via Parade magazine, instead of utilizing a conversation over the dinner table, columnist Emily Bazelon at Slate wonders if Obama isn't using his daughters. (Of course, we don't know if he does converse with them about these topics, but it's apparently the publicity that has some people wondering.)

However, isn't he just following in the proven successful Kennedy footsteps of publicizing their children? (i.e. Caroline and John-John's antics at the White House during the John and Jackie era) Why if it's done successfully, one or both of the Obama girls might run for a Senate seat...or the presidency in future years and feel it's their due because of their name, whether they have experience or not.

Admittedly, two young girls in the White House adds interest to life there and has youngsters all over the world taking an interest in U.S. politics.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Obama Tries to Enhance His God-like Status

With this push for the massive stimulus package, Obama is pushing even closer to a "god-like" status. We all but have people sprawling in front of him in the streets so he can trample over them....with a smile

The theory seems to Hitler, Hussein and other dictators have done...give the people something to start with, then they won't complain when you take away their freedoms or raise taxes. With 51% of the people (and it's approaching that) of the people on some sort of government subsidy, Obama and his crew will have control of the populace.

For if those on the recipient end complain, they could have their subsidies (Social Security, welfare, unemployment, disability, tax exemptions, medical care, free this and free that) yanked. So then their control and independence is gone...and they don't even realize it.

What do you want...freedom or socializm? Yanked about like a puppet or walking proud like a free man or woman?

Obama "buying" Supporters or Truly Interested in the Economy?

Is Obama really, really interested in shoring up the economy...or is he "buying" support and followers with vast giveaways.

Bribing people to be your follower, your supporter and making them dependent on you is an age-old strategy of dictators. It's a first step in obtaining twisted loyalty. Look at the dictators of history. Bribe the populace with bare subsistence, and those close to you with opulence and you have set in place the wheels of change for getting rid of your opponents.

Will the economic stimulus package really help in the long term, or is it simply a strategy for making the vast majority puppets while taxing those with anything left to pay for it.

Have you ever heard the Little Red Hen and Her Bread story? We see it in motion right now. What happens when the Little Red Hen stops making bread?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Will Obama Get "Buddy-Buddy" With Terrorists?

Throughout his campaign, Obama has indicated a willingness to talk with terrorists, preferring negotiations to "carrying a big stick." Apparently he's already putting out feelers for negotiations with Hamas before he becomes President.

Does this show weakness on the part of the U.S. and its President?

Does this show an alliance with terrorist organizations, a "buddy-buddy" relationship, that would be to the detriment of our country?

Does diplomacy mean the type of "peace in my day" appeasement that led to World War II?

Will it result in terrorist organizations obediently falling into line?

Does this show naivety on the part of a leader?

Or...does it mean a secret alliance arrangement between terrorist organizations and a U.S. President with the public kept in the dark?

What do you think?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Quilting with an Obama Slant

Obama Quilts

Ever since the Obama campaign began, quilters have been making quilts and fabric art to commemorate the man to become President.

I've written more about this at my Quilting and Patchwork blog, Obama Quilts and Quilters All the Rage. You might like to stop by and check it out, along with the links to quilts to appear at displays commemorating the Inauguation.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Are Obama and Harry Reid Backing Down About Burris

What makes Obama and Harry Reid think they can control Congress, decide who will be allowed through its doors (and into its washrooms) even though they've been duly appointed. Yes, the governor of Illinois has a questionable background, but he appointed someone while he was still legally in that office. Also, it appears, there is no scandal surrounding Mr. Burris personally.

It's a matter of control...with Obama and Harry Reid apparently thinking they can overrule the state's and country's laws. Good for Mr. Burris for not backing down.

This is what scares this just a forecast of what's to come under the Obama regime? That he and his bully boys will try to determine what's "legal" regardless of the laws?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Obama Family - "Living in the Lap of Luxury," According to the Press

As the Obama family heads to Washington and life in the Hay-Adams luxury hotel until they move into Blair House, and then the White House, it's ironic that the President-Elect made points with the people by putting down the wealthy. Now he and his family excell in a life of luxury.

Granted, a first family can't live in a hovel, but many have extolled simplicity, while exhibiting dignity and class.

Is Obama All Show But No Substance?

According to reports, Obama and the Democrats desire a spectacular show for Inauguration Day. What better way than for him to sign a stimulus bill shortly after he's sworn in as President? Doing it on Inauguration Day will greatly add to the Obama side show.

While the Republicans, who aren't entirely against a stimulus package, want to go more slowly and make sure this is what's truly needed and doesn't have a lot of "pork" stuffed into it. The Dems apparently want to push for this "change," and a spectacular Obama show, whether it's in the best interest of the country or not.

One does have to admit that Obama and his team have become "masters of manipulation."

Friday, January 2, 2009

"Change" - the Obama Buzz Word - Higher Gas Taxes the Reality

"CHANGE! CHANGE! CHANGE!" Obama and his followers cried throughout the campaign for the Presidency.

Yes, we'll see change. One of the first things will be higher gasoline taxes. The figure tossed around seems to be a minimum 10 cent/gallon increase to make up for the loss of money coming in because Americans are driving less.

On the other hand we're encouraged to drive less and "go green" by using less fuel. Now it's proposed we'll be punished by "change" with more costly gasoline. Will this cause people to drive even less.

Obama type "change" is coming and the "la-la land" many people expect with his Presidency may be just that...a liberal fantasy la-la land as higher taxes and even higher prices hit us.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year at Obama Alert

May you have a blessed, happy, and successful 2009.

We'll pray that with our becoming knowledgeable and remaining diligent, it will help ensure that, inspite of upcoming liberal ideas and actions, our country will be successful and we shall retain our freedoms.

(When people are complacent and do nothing, they have chosen to give up their freedom! I pray that doesn't happen in this country.)